Tanya Garg blogs a study which finds that visuospatial tasks like playing Tetris, do not reduce the intensity and distress of intrusions after watching a traumatic film.
[read the full story...]Checking compulsions in OCD: responsibility, probability and severity of harm #BABCP2022
In her debut blog, Christine Purdon explores a model of checking compulsions in those with OCD, finding that severity and likelihood of harm are important. This research led by Adam Radomsky will be presented at the #BABCP2022 conference in London later this week.
[read the full story...]Police killings and the mental health of black Americans
Ian Cummins provides the context and perspective to consider the implications of a population-based, quasi-experimental study of police killings and their spillover effects on the mental health of black Americans.
[read the full story...]Does co-locating welfare advice services improve mental health?
Katie Evans from Money and Mental Health considers a recent study looking at the impact of co-located welfare advice in healthcare settings, which found significant improvements in financial outcomes, but less convincing results in terms of health benefits.
[read the full story...]Suicide-related internet searches following the release of 13 Reasons Why
Angharad de Cates, Alys Cole-King and Stan Kutcher explore a quasi-experimental examination of internet search results, which suggests that the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has both increased suicide awareness while unintentionally increasing suicidal ideation.
[read the full story...]