Compulsory community treatment results in no significant difference in service use, social functioning or quality of life


Rebecca Syed appraises and summarises an updated Cochrane review of compulsory community treatment and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. The review finds just 3 trials, which show that CCT results in no significant difference in service use, social functioning or quality of life.

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People with mental health problems talk about poverty


Ian Cummins adds to current political debates about poverty and social justice as he explores Canadian research on the topic that captured the experiences and views of people with mental health problems who actually live in poverty.

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‘More time for what’? Leisure, life and learning disabilities


Hannah Morgan from the Centre for Disability Research at Lancaster University takes a critical look at a Swedish study on leisure and people with learning disabilities and discusses what the findings mean for the UK context.

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Extra care housing vs nursing homes for disabled older people


In her exploration of a Canadian study into extra care housing for older disabled people, Jo Moriatry gives a critical view of the research and offers some insights into what it means for the UK policy and practice context.

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Tai chi improves health related quality of life for people with musculoskeletal conditions


How effective is Tai Chi on quality of life for people with musculoskeletal conditions? This mind-body exercise is often used by people with musculoskeletal conditions as part of a self-management strategy.

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'Strategies for Relatives': improving mental health for family carers of people with dementia


In her latest blog, Clarissa Giebel examines research into the effectiveness of the ‘Strategies for Relatives’ psychological and educational training programme for family carers of people with dementia and explores what the findings might mean for wider programme implementation.

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Quality of life and mental health: What questions should we ask?


In his debut blog, Martin Webber, Reader in Social Work at the University of York, asks how we can meaningfully measure quality of life with and for people living with mental health problems.

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Achieving increases in active support through practice leadership needs systematic development of skills and management focus says exploratory study


Active support is about ensuring staff have working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of participation and engagement in activities.

In her debut blog for the Learning Disabilities Elf, Louise Philips describes a study which set out to look at whether the quality of practice leadership was a factor in developing active support.

Louise also sets out an excellent breakdown of exactly what practice leadership is what managers need to do to ensure this framework for practice development is robust.

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Judgements about learning disability services quality based on snapshot experiences were not sufficient to understand service performance in Australian study


What needs to be done to ensure quality services for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities and how can organisations ensure that this is done consistently?

Here, Nick Burton describes the findings of an Australian study that uses observational methodology to look in great detail at what was happening for a number of people in small 24hr staffed houses for four to six people.

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Carers policy and practice: What about ‘former carers’?


In her debut blog, Mary Larkin, Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care at the Open University, examines a piece of qualitative research exploring the experiences of former carers and discusses what it might mean for policy and practice.

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