Recovering Quality of Life (ReQOL) scale: a PROM you don’t want to miss


Martina Sawicka and Derek Tracy take a look at the ReQOL scale (Recovering Quality of Life): a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) for use with people experiencing mental health difficulties.

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Befriending interventions: are they effective?


#UCLJournalClub students appraise a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of befriending interventions for people with a variety of health conditions including mental illness.

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CBT for eating disorders: what impact on quality of life?


Sarah McDonald explores a recent meta-analysis that summarises the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders on quality of life in adults.

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Mental health expenditure associated with higher quality care and better service user experience


Kwame McKensie publishes his debut Mental Elf blog on a recent cross-sectional study, which explores the relationship between national mental health expenditure and quality of care in longer-term psychiatric and social care facilities in Europe.

This is the fourth in a new series of Mental Elf blogs produced in partnership with the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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Removable partial dentures and quality of life


This review of the effect of removable partial dentures (RPDs) on quality of life included 16 studies mainly retrospective and cross-sectional providing limited evidence of any association association between patient-reported QoL or satisfaction with technical or biological parameters of RPDs.

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 Shortened dental arch: impact on oral health-related quality of life


This review of the impact on oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) linked with maintaining or restoring a shortened dental arch found limited evidence from 3 studies suggesting a benefit for OHRQoL with maintaining rather than restoring a the SDA with a removable partial dental prosthesis.

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CBT may help reduce anxiety and depression in people with diabetes, but standardised approach needed


Ben Perry explores the findings of a recent systematic review looking at the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy on glycaemic control and psychological outcomes in adults with diabetes.

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Burning mouth syndrome: insufficient evidence for effectiveness of current treatments


This update of a 2005 Cochrane review identified 23 RCTs but a limited number at low risk of bias so there is insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of any interventions in managing burning mouth syndrome.

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Oral health-related quality of life improved in children following dental treatment under general anaesthesia.

The authors suggest a number of factors that may lead to increased prevalence, including depression, childhood trauma, low self-esteem and genetic risk.

20 studies were identified for this review of oral health related quality of life in children following general anaesthetic (GA). While a majority demonstrated an improvement following GA most are based on convenience samples and are of limited quality so more high quality research is needed.

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Reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family carers: REMCARE trial


Elizabeth Collier writes her debut blog on the REMCARE randomised controlled trial of reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family carers.

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