Quality of life measures show some promise in measuring subjective states in people with learning disabilities


Services for people with learning disabilities will be subject to external scrutiny to ensure they are meeting minimum standards of care delivery and will also have internal quality assurance processes to look at the quality of the support they provide, The key question however, particularly in a situation where an individual may be getting support [read the full story…]

Small but potential benefits of cryotherapy following total knee replacement surgery


Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common condition and typically presents with painful and restricted function and sometimes varus (bow legs) and valgus (knock knees) deformity of the knee. Once the condition and pain worsens knee joint replacement surgery is a treatment option. Patients typically improve in terms of pain and function but there is [read the full story…]

Person centred active support increased choice making opportunities for people with learning disabilities


We have posted previously about the use of active support which involves training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. The purpose of the current study however was to look at the impact of active support approaches on other outcome measures. The researchers [read the full story…]

Front line managers remain key to quality outcomes in supported accommodation for people with learning disabilities


One of the key findings of the early research into community services for people with learning disabilities who had lived in long stay institutions, was that the quality of first line management was one of the main factors affecting outcomes. This Australian study set out to look at the work of front-line managers in supported [read the full story…]

Principles underlying payment by results can be used to commission personalised learning disability services


Payment by Results (PbR) was introduced into the NHS with the aim of improving efficiency and increasing  value for money. The approach uses a national tariff of agreed fixed prices reflecting average prices for procedures. In this article, the authors argue that given that outcome focused approaches to payment by results will be incrementally introduced [read the full story…]

Review highlights need for specific models to measure quality of life for people with learning disabilities

Analysis showed significant lack of robust evidence on impact or cost effectiveness

A key indicator of service outcomes for people with learning disabilities is quality of life. However, there continues to be debate in the literature about the best way to define this and the best way to measure it. Most of the major service providers in the UK for example have some form of routine outcome [read the full story…]

International review of deinstitutionalisation outcomes shows gains in quality of life but poor responses to health care needs


As long ago as 1994 Emerson and Hatton produced a review of UK literature on the outcomes for people with learning disabilities leaving long stay institutions (Emerson E & Hatton C (1994); Moving Out: Relocation from Hospital to Community) which involved 2,350 service users. The findings of this review of international studies nearly twenty years [read the full story…]

Predictors of quality of life in children with learning disabilities found in social and emotional well being of parents


There is now a good body of literature concerned with the quality of life of people with learning disabilities and a number of practical approaches available to consider its measurement (for example personal outcome measures  and the Quality Network) The research has identified five domains of quality of life: material well-being, development and activity, physical [read the full story…]

Targeted support and telecare can reduce staff input in services for people with learning disabilities


The need for appropriately supported accommodation for people with learning disabilities continues to rise as people naturally move from family homes to their own.  Controlling costs of support has always been a major concern for the paying authorities, but this is particularly true in the current climate of financial constraint. They key challenge is how [read the full story…]

Women with learning disabilities perceive little or no control over their lives


Whilst there has been an increasing interest in developing measures of quality of life for people with learning disabilities, there has been little research looking specifically at the experiences of women with learning disabilities aged 40 years or older. This study set out to look at this specific group and to do this, worked with [read the full story…]