DBT for BPD: how can benefits be maintained long-term?

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Dafni Katsampa and Francesca Payne summarise a qualitative study from the Republic of Ireland, which explores the long-term benefits of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD).

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“I feel inferior and ashamed”: the stigma of psychosis in ethnic minority groups


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises a qualitative study looking at stigma and psychosis experienced by people from ethnic minorities.

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Homeless hostel residents and staff struggle to access health and social care services

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In her debut blog, Ava Phillips summarises a paper that finds both people living in homeless hostels, and staff working there, feel marginalised and struggle to access the health and social care they need.

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iCBT for depression: reflections from university students

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Sharon Eager summarises a qualitative study conducted with university students in South Africa who identify the pros and cons of iCBT for depression.

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Navigating the long-term effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): a qualitative meta-synthesis


Amelia Talbot reviews a qualitative meta-synthesis on the long-term effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) reported by people who have received it.

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Psychosis: what do informal caregivers need to manage their responsibilities?


In her debut blog, Ailbhe Madigan summarises a qualitative study from Greece, which explores the needs of informal caregivers of people with psychosis.

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What do users think about mental health chatbots?

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Rob Meadows and Christine Hine consider the findings of a recent scoping review of the perceptions and opinions of patients about mental health chatbots.

They also present their own ongoing sociological study on the everyday use of mental health chatbots.

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On the dangers of protocolising telephone psychotherapy


In his debut blog, Richard Byng summarises a study which finds that protocolising psychological therapy could be detrimental for telemental health.

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Trauma-informed care in mental health: why we need it and what it should look like


Aneta Zarska blogs about a qualitative research study from Australia that outlines what trauma-informed care should look like, by asking people with experience of mental health difficulties.

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Supporting the supporters: peer support in early intervention in psychosis


In her debut blog, Natalie Kashirsky explores a qualitative study finding valuable mechanisms of peer support in early intervention in psychosis services.

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