Coronal pulpotomy in permanent molars


This review of coronal pulpotomy in permanent teeth demonstrated good survival at 2 years 92% (95%CI; 84 -100). However as the majority of studies were observational they should be viewed cautiously until further high quality RCTs are available.

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Pulpectomy in primary molars: little difference with 3 filing materials

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This small trial compared the success rates of 3 different filling materials (RC Fill, Vitapex and Pulpdent ) following pulpectomy in primary molars. At 30 months there were no significant differences between the groups.

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Trial suggests that two types of mineral trioxide aggregate both out perform calcium hydroxide for primary molar pulpotomy


The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare two different white MTA cements as pulpotomy medicaments in human primary teeth, Pro-Root MTA and MTA Angelus. Child patients with deep occlusal carious lesion, which presented potential risk of pulp exposure during complete removal of carious dentin, as determined by clinical and radiographic assessment were [read the full story…]

Review suggests that mineral trioxide aggregate had best clinical and radiographic outcomes at 9-12 months for primary molar pulpotomy


When I was training formocresol was the standard dressing for primary teeth following pulpotomy . However, it  use is now questionable because of potential adverse effects such as potential carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and cytotoxicity.  Consequently a range of other materials have been investigated,  ferric sulphate, gluatraldehyde preparations , mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), electrosurgery, calcium hydroxide, and laser [read the full story…]

Trial found similar success rates for partial pulpotomies in permanent molars using mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide


The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of young permanent molars using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide in a randomized controlled trial. Eighty-four teeth in 80 patients (aged 7-10yrs) having one or two first permanent molars with deep occlusal carious lesions that resulted [read the full story…]

Which pulp dressing after pulpotomy in primary molars?

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The aim of this study was to compare the use of ferric sulphate (FS), formocresol (FC), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) as pulp dressing following pulpotomy in primary molars. Symptom-free vital primary molars with carious pulp exposure with the possibility of proper restoration of the teeth with a minimum of three walls [read the full story…]

Only weak evidence that laser-assisted pulpotomy improves outcomes in primary teeth


Pulpotomy procedure are used to maintain a carious tooth by removing the infected pulp and lasers have been shown to reduce bacterial levels in human tissue.  The aim of this review was to identify studies comparing laser with conventional techniques for pulpotomy procedures in primary teeth and to evaluate their methodological quality, to assess whether [read the full story…]

Mineral trioxide aggregrate for endodontic treatment of primary molars


Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been put to a range of dental uses, direct pulp capping root-end filling, apexogenesis and apexification in immature teeth, filling root canals an treatment of root fractures. The aim of this review was to evaluate whether the currently available evidence is of an appropriate quality to support the long-term effectiveness [read the full story…]

Vital pulp therapy for permanent teeth

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The Journal of the American Dental Association has published an appraisal of a 2011 review by Aguilar & Linsuwanont  under the auspices of the American Dental Association Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. The review looked at whether vital pulp therapy is successful in permanent teeth. The appraiser considered that search strategy was thorough although the included [read the full story…]