Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me… or will they?


Laura Hemming reflects on the findings of a recent Australian study, which looks at personal language use around suicide, mental health concerns and alcohol and other drug use, and seeks to find consensus on how we speak to each other about these issues.

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Suicide prevention: expanding the narrative to preventing the crisis, not just treating the crisis

silhouette of woman holding megaphone

Something a bit different today, as Kirsten Lawson summarises the recent Lancet Public Health series on suicide prevention, which looks at public health interventions, addressing the risk factors and determinants of suicide, and the transmissibility of suicide.

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Improving the health of sex workers: education and empowerment are key


In her debut blog, Eve Wang summarises a recent systematic review in The Lancet Public Health of interventions to improve the health and the determinants of health among sex workers in high-income countries.

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Cannabis use and its legalisation: analysing chronic pain in US veterans using electronic health records

American Soldiers and US Flag. US troops

In their debut blog, Grace Williamson and Daniel Leightley review a US study on chronic pain, cannabis legalisation, and cannabis use disorder in US veterans.

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Doing our part as citizens: citizen science in mental health research


Laura Hemming summarises a systematic review that synthesises and develops best practice guidelines for citizen science in mental health research.

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Reducing stigma and sickness absence: can a low intensity psychological intervention help us ‘Prevail’?


Emmeline Lagunes-Cordoba summarises a cluster randomised controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of a low-intensity psychological intervention to reduce mental health stigma and improve help-seeking in the workplace.

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Every Mind Matters: evaluating the mental health literacy campaign


In her debut blog, Amy Morgan summarises a qualitative study evaluating the government-funded Every Mind Matters campaign in the UK.

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Addressing premature mortality in mental illness: the “Gone Too Soon” framework


Alvin Richards-Belle and Humma Andleeb review the Gone Too Soon framework, published yesterday in The Lancet Psychiatry, which suggests priorities for action to prevent premature mortality associated with mental illness and mental distress.

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The negative effect of the climate crisis on the mental health of millions of people: projections in the region of South Florida


Dafni Katsampa, Francesca Bentivegna and Ivar Maas reflect on a recent study exploring the impact of extreme climate events on mental health of people located in South Florida, USA.

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You can’t sit with us: a new conceptual model of social exclusion

Troubles at school. Lonely sad african-american schoolgirl crying at school hall. Social exclusion problem. Bullying at school concept. Racism problem.Puberty difficult age

In her debut blog, Joanne Wadsworth considers a qualitative study aiming to understand how social exclusion is experienced by people and provide a definition.

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