New and emerging treatments for major depressive disorder

Sprouts of hope for treatment resistant depression?

Kirsten Lawson summarises a new ‘state of the art review’ in the BMJ which focuses on novel and emerging pharmacotherapy and neuromodulation for people with ‘treatment resistant depression’.

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Psilocybin for ‘treatment-resistant depression’: an island of hope in an ocean of uncertainty?


In this blog, UCL MSc students consider an RCT published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which suggests that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy may help reduce depression in people with severe and enduring illness, but side effects are common and more research is needed to look into longer term effects.

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Psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy for alcohol use disorder: room for more evidence


In her debut blog, Heidi Stevens reviews a recent US randomised controlled trial on psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for adults with alcohol use disorder, which leaves us with more questions than answers.

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How could MDMA-assisted and psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy help people with depression and PTSD?


Anya Borissova and Philip Brooks consider a recent review exploring MDMA-assisted psychotherapy and psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for trauma-related mental health difficulties.

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Turn on, or tune out? Is psilocybin assisted therapy close to becoming a first-line treatment for depression?


James Rucker and Sameer Jauhar summarise a recent RCT on the effectiveness of psilocybin assisted therapy versus escitalopram assisted therapy for major depressive disorder.

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Can psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy relieve existential crises in cancer patients?


Pascal Immanuel Michael reviews a randomised controlled trial examining long-term outcomes of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for existential distress in patients with cancer.

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Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: what are the effects on brain activity?


Anya Borissova summarises the therapeutic mechanisms of psilocybin in treatment-resistant depression and changes noticed in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex during emotional processing.

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How can psychedelics treat mental illness? #PsilocybinMedicine


Catherine Bird writes her debut elf blog on a recent opinion review by Robin Carhart-Harris entitled: How do psychedelics work?

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Magic mushrooms promising for treatment resistant depression


Our #EvidenceLive team of bloggers report on a recent feasibility study of psilocybin for the treatment of refractory depression.

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