Peri-implantitis – adjunctive measures to non-surgical peri-implant therapy


This review of the effectiveness of patient-performed or administered adjunctive measures to non-surgical peri-implantitis therapy included 9 RCTs. A wide range of interventions were tested but the studies were mainly small with only one being at low risk of bias. Consequently addition high quality well conducted studies are needed on both the prevention and treatment of peri-implant disease.

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Mouthwashes, microorganisms and gingivitis in orthodontic patients


This review of the efficacy of mouthwashes on oral microorganisms and gingivitis in orthodontic patients included 32 RCTs. While the findings suggest short-term benefits with adjunctive mouthwash use the findings should be intertpreted cautiously as only one RCT was at low risk of bias and for almost all outccomes the certainty of evidence was rated as very low to low.

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Peri-implant mucositis – patient performed adjunctive measures


This review of patient-performed or administered measures used adjunctively to submarginal instrumentation for the management of peri-implant mucositis included 14 studies. The findings indicated that adjunctive measures reduced probing depth, bleeding on probing and plaque level reductions at 3 months and were in favour of adjunctive measures, which were plaque.

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Probiotics for the management of oral halitosis


This review of the efficacy of probiotics in reducing halitosis of dental origin, when compared to a placebo intervention included 8 RCTs. Only one of the study was considered to be at low risk of bias with the authos assessing the evidence as not suggestive of a convincing benefit for the use of probiotics for treatment outcomes of halitosis.

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Recurrent aphthous stomatitis – topical interventions


This review of the efficacy and safety of topical interventions used for recurrent aphthous stomatitis included 72 studies assessing 29 different interventions. Most of the interventions did not demonstrate significant differences with limitednumbers of studies for some interventions and overal limitations in the quality of the evidence.

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Probiotics and gingival inflammation


This review of the effect of probiotics on gingival inflammation and oral microbiota in patients suffering from plaque-induced gingivitis included 11 RCTs. No clear evidence was found to indicate that oral probiotics have a positive effect on gingival inflammation and oral microecological environment of patients with gingivitis.

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Probiotics and prebiotics for youth anxiety #ActiveIngredientsMH


Kathrin Cohen Kadosh appraises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research on better gut microbiome and how increasing levels of probiotics and prebiotics may help prevent and treat anxiety in young people.

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Oral candidiasis: Are probiotics effective?

Candida albicans

This review of the the efficacy of probiotics on oral Candida spp. includes 12 RCTs and suggests a possible benefit. However the quality of the evidence is limited so the findings should be intepreted cautiously.

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Probiotics for the treatment of gingivitis


This review of the the efficacy of probiotics in the treatment of gingivitis included 10 small short term studies providing limited weak evidence for any effect on gingivitis.

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Probiotics for oral health?


This review of the effect of probiotic containing dairy products on oral health included 32 studies involving a broad range of dairy products suggesting a positive effect on S.Mutans (SM) levels and salivary pH.

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