This review of the association between higher dental caries experience and lower serum vitamin D levels in children included 13 studie. The findings suggest higher levels of caries in patients with lower vitamin D levels.
[read the full story...]This review of the association between higher dental caries experience and lower serum vitamin D levels in children included 13 studie. The findings suggest higher levels of caries in patients with lower vitamin D levels.
[read the full story...]This review assessing the agreement of dental caries experience between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic twins (DZ) included 19 studies. While the findings indcate a possible a genetic influence the certainty of evidence is very low so the findings should be interpreted very cautiously.
[read the full story...]This review assessing whether caries severity is higher in HIV-infected children and adolescents than in those who uninfected included 16 studies. While the review suggests a higher caries severity in those infected with HIV the certainty of the evidence is low with the majority of studies not providing information on potential confounders.
[read the full story...]This review of the efficacy of adjunctive photodynamic therapy (PDT) on root canal treatment in primary teeth included 4 studies. The included studies were small and of short duration and lacked clinically relevant outcomes. Larger high quality well conducted studies with follow up periods of at least 12 months are needed to assess the role of PDT in primary teeth.
[read the full story...]This review comparing stepwise removal (SWR) and selective removal (SCR) of deep carious lesions in primary and permanent teeth included 9 RCTs. The findings suggest that SCR may be more succesful than SWR but they should be interpreted cautiously because of the limited number of studies for some outcomes.
[read the full story...]Our most read blogd in October, November and December 2022 covered treatments for burning mouth syndrome, recurrent oral aphthous stomatitis and preformed metal crowns on primary molars
[read the full story...]This review of the outcomes of preformed metal crowns placed on primary molars using conventional and Hall techniques included 5 studies. The findings suggest similar overal sucess and survival rates for both techniques.
[read the full story...]This review of the efficacy of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in controlling caries progression in cavitated primary molars included 9 RCTs. The findings found an overall effect in preventing caries progression = 33% (95%CI; 26 to 40%) at 12 months.
[read the full story...]This review of the association between gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and dental erosion in children included 13 observational studies. The findings suggest positive association association between GERD and dental erosion in children however this should be interpreted cautiously because of the wide variety of diagnostic methods used in the included studies.
[read the full story...]This review of the effectiveness of glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations in preventing new caries in primary or permanent dentitions included 10 RCTs. The findings suggest that GIC restorations have a better preventive effect that other materials but the amount and quality of evidence is limited.
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