Tanya Moore discusses a small study on inter-professional working between social care and general practice and finds evidence of misunderstanding.
[read the full story...]Tanya Moore discusses a small study on inter-professional working between social care and general practice and finds evidence of misunderstanding.
[read the full story...]Summary of a report, produced by RAND Europe, exploring different models for delivering primary care, including collaboration, and how to manage change.
[read the full story...]Raluca Lucacel summarises an RCT of Internet based interventions for depression, which finds that a brief informational video shown to people with depression before they receive their treatment, helps to increase their acceptance of the Internet based intervention.
[read the full story...]Elena Marcus appraises a recent meta-analysis of screening for bipolar spectrum disorders, which concludes that the MDQ and HCL-32 tools are supported by more evidence than the BSDS tool.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel highlights 5 new Cochrane reviews on dementia diagnosis, focusing on the Mini-Cog, IQCODE and MMSE diagnostic tests.
[read the full story...]People with learning disabilities experience health inequalities compared to the general population, compounded by the number of health related problems thye may have related to having a learning disability.
Here, in her debut blog, Tara Quinn-Cirillo adds her reflections to an assessment of this incentivised scheme.
[read the full story...]In her blog, Caroline De Brún considers a recently published report by the World Health Organization, comparing strengths and issues faced by primary care health systems in Europe.
[read the full story...]Andrew Shepherd summarises a recent systematic review of the effectiveness of psychotherapy for depression in primary care, which contains a lot of data but leaves him feeling rather deflated.
[read the full story...]Despite an increasing body of research evidence that demonstrates the ongoing health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities, there have been few changes in policy and practice.
In her debut blog, Rosalyn Hithersay presents a paper that describes a series of workshops that took place in 2013 with the aim of addressing this shift from evidence to action.
[read the full story...]The aim of this literature review from the Policy Research Unit in Commissioning at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, is to help decision-makers support acute care, by moving some services out of the hospital, and into the community.
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