World Alzheimer’s report highlights the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for dementia

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This new 70-page report from Alzheimer’s Disease International warns that in countries such as England, 50-80% of dementia cases are not being recognised in primary care. It highlights the fallacy that as people get older they naturally have problems with their memory, and goes on to recommend that primary care staff who see people with [read the full story…]

Brief psychological therapies are effective for treating depression and anxiety in primary care


Psychological therapies given to people with depression, anxiety or mixed disorders in primary care are usually delivered over a shorter time period than in secondary care. In the UK, 6 sessions is a common treatment length, which contrasts to the 12-24 sessions that have been the subject of most trials of psychological therapies in secondary care [read the full story…]

Proactive care from practice nurses improves social functioning for people with severe and recurrent depression

The results indicate that ICU staff, and particularly nurses, experienced high rates of probable mental illness and thoughts of self-harm.

The mental health charity Mind have published the findings of a three year study which explores whether regular proactive reviews delivered by nurses in GP practices results in better mental health and social outcomes for people living with depression.  The study was a randomised controlled trial carried out by a research team at University College London. [read the full story…]

Stepped care is no better than usual care in treating depression and anxiety in primary care

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There are increasing levels of interest in stepped care models to treat mental health problems in primary care. This randomised controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of a stepped care programme for treating depression and anxiety in 120 adults (aged 18-65 years with minor or major DSM-IV depressive and/or anxiety disorders) in general practice.  Patients were [read the full story…]

BMA publishes guidance to help doctors protect vulnerable adults

Individuals more likely to be arrested or taken to ED if living indpependently or with family

New guidance has been published by the British Medical Association in the form of a toolkit for GPs to provide practical advice on promoting and protecting the wellbeing of vulnerable adults. Although principally aimed at GPs, any professional working in health care settings with vulnerable adults will find it useful. The term “vulnerable adults” covers [read the full story…]

New guidance from BMA to help doctors protect vulnerable adults

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The British Medical Association have published a toolkit for GPs, which provides practical advice to doctors on promoting and protecting the wellbeing of vulnerable adults. Although principally aimed at GPs, any professional working in health care settings with vulnerable adults will find it useful. The term “vulnerable adults” covers an extremely wide range of individuals, [read the full story…]

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Data published by NHS information centre


The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, which were introduced as amendments to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 on 1 April 2009, are designed to protect vulnerable people against overly restrictive care while they are in hospitals or care homes. This second annual report on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards uses data provided every three months by English [read the full story…]

‘No health without mental health’ briefings from the Mental Health Strategic Partnership

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Following the publication of the Government’s mental health strategy, No Health without Mental Health in February 2011, the Mental Health Strategic Partnership has published two briefings aimed at general practice and community organisations. The Mental Health Strategic Partnership brings together seven national mental health voluntary sector organisations to work with the Department of Health to support [read the full story…]

Primary care multidisciplinary team consultations might not help deprived mothers with anxiety or depression

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Mothers living in socioeconomically deprived communities are vulnerable to anxiety and depression, but traditional medical approaches often fail to reach them. This prospective randomised controlled trial set out to compare the effectiveness of a lengthened multi-disciplinary team consultation with normal primary care in reducing anxiety and depression in mothers. Ninety four mothers were recruited from three general practices from [read the full story…]

Read code searches may result in under-detection in primary care registers of patients with learning disabilities


The identification of people with learning disabilities within primary care is a requirement for GPs in the UK who receive additional income for maintaining registers of such as part of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). If they opt to provide Directed Enhanced Services (DES), they must develop and maintain a register of patients with [read the full story…]