Improve local community mental health services using this framework

Shape of a head filled with cogs

This work, developed by accountancy firm Mazars LLP, has been commissioned by NHS Confederation and Strategic Health Authority Mental Health Leads. It is a diagnostic tool aimed at mental health commissioners working for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), helping them to identify where the gaps are in their local service provision and what they need to [read the full story…]

Primary care must change to meet needs of population, says report

Hand holding a glowing lightbulb

The King’s Fund has just published this report, which describes how the health and social care workforce are coming up with new models for delivering primary care, to support the “current system of commissioning”. The report is aimed at commissioners, GP staff, and related stakeholders, including social care and local authorities, and promotes improved liaison [read the full story…]

Atlas maps health of adults with learning disabilities in Ontario, Canada

health care atlas

Background We have posted extensively about the current state of knowledge around the health care needs of people with learning disabilities and the nature of the responses by UK health providers. The Mencap Getting it Right campaign launched after the publication of Death by Indifference’, aims to support local campaigners, health professionals, GP surgeries, hospitals [read the full story…]

Combination of clinical and managerial expertise transform local healthcare, case studies demonstrate

Three trees, shaped as heads, during different seasons

This collection of case studies is aimed at all people involved in the development and delivery of quality health services, in particular, commissioners, local authorities, voluntary sectors, and health professionals in all settings, including primary and secondary care. Some of the CCGs are also working with organisations from the retail sector, for example John Lewis. [read the full story…]

RCT compares two different versions of enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy for anorexia nervosa in an inpatient setting


A general misconception about anorexia is that it’s just about eating and ‘being thin’, but it’s more complex than that. The illness affects multiple aspects of a person’s life, and often goes hand in hand with other psychological issues such as low mood, or excessive worry. In addition, the jury is still out on the exact [read the full story…]

Effective diabetes service models should be commissioned to reduce diabetes admissions

Sphere full of words to do with diabetes and health care.

This document is aimed at clinical commissioning groups, health care planners, hospital senior managers, and clinical teams in primary and secondary care. It is an amalgamation of good practice examples where diabetes services have improved, with bed occupancy and costs being reduced. There is a specific focus on elderly, diabetic patients, and other similarly vulnerable [read the full story…]

WEAVE RCT: GP training, but not screening, may benefit women who have experienced intimate partner violence


Behaviour within an intimate relationship which causes psychological, physical or sexual harm to either party is known as intimate partner violence (IPV). This violence is perpetrated by both men and women, but significant injuries are more commonly sustained by women. Consequently, IPV is a major public health concern as it contributes majorly to mortality in [read the full story…]

Is expertise from specialist services in mainstream services best way to support people with learning disabilities and mental health needs?

bad news

The recently published guidance from the joint commissioning panel for mental health suggested that ‘there is no universally agreed commissioning model for mental health services supporting people with learning disabilities’ and this reflects an on-going debate about the structure and delivery of services to meet the needs of this group. The commissioning guidance suggests that [read the full story…]

Insufficient evidence for the efficacy of primary school-based behavioural interventions for reducing caries


This new Cochrane review looked at school-based interventions aimed at changing behaviour related to toothbrushing habits and the frequency of consumption of cariogenic food and drink in children between the ages of 4 and 12 years. The Cochrane Oral Health Group’s Trials Register, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) ,Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, [read the full story…]

“Inactivity costs the NHS an estimated £1.06 billion…” according to report

Pathway sign

Introduction This guidance has been prepared for commissioners and all staff providing lifestyle advice in primary care, including community health and allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists. It aims to raise awareness of the issues caused by inactivity, not just for individuals, but for the health service and economy as a whole, and provides a [read the full story…]