Silver diamine fluoride: effectiveness in older adults

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Three RCTs were included in this review of silver diamine fluoride for caries prevention in older adults. all 3 studies support teh effectiveness of SDF for root caries arrest and prevention.

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Fissure sealants effective in preventing caries in children and adolescents

Fissure sealant

38 trials were included in this updated Cochrane review of the effect of fissure sealants on occlusal caries. The data show a reduction in caries of between 11-51% at 24months compared to no sealant. The benefit was also maintained at longer-term follow up.

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Prevention of eating disorders: where do we start?


Sarah McDonald is impressed by this new systematic review of universal, selective and indicated prevention for eating disorders.

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Caries prevention in young children: topical fluoride alone not sufficient suggests trial

caries upper arch

This large trial investigated the use of a ‘preventive package’ of fluoride varnish, fluoride toothpaste, toothbrush and standard dental health education in children between 2-3 years attending general practice. The intervention did not keep young children caries free but did reduce caries levels.

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Occlusal caries prevention: Seal or varnish?

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This large, well-conducted study in a primary care setting found a small, but not statistically significant difference, between fissure sealants and fluoride varnish for the prevention of caries in first permanent molars at 36 months.

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Targeting unhelpful repetitive negative thinking in young people to prevent anxiety and depression


Michelle Moulds publishes her debut blog on a recent randomised controlled trial about the prevention of anxiety disorders and depression by targeting excessive worry, rumination and repetitive negative thinking in young adults.

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Cochrane find insufficient evidence to support the implementation of depression prevention programmes


Ioana Cristea summarises the latest Cochrane review on CBT, third-wave CBT and IPT based interventions for preventing depression in children and adolescents

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Parent training works for child and adolescent mental health


Tony McGinn presents a high-level overview of the state of parent training evidence. His blog draws on over 30 systematic reviews with meta-analyses, to bring you a handy summary of what works.

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Feeling the burn: do interventions to prevent burnout in doctors work?


Chris Pell summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis about interventions to prevent and reduce physician burnout.

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Cognitive behavioural prevention of depression in adolescents

Higher levels of cortisol were associated with higher levels of depression

Emily Stapley summarises a recent RCT of a cognitive behavioural prevention programme for young people at risk of depression.

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