Limited evidence finds modest benefit in favour of antivirals for the prevention of cold sores

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Recurrent herpes labialis (cold sores) is a common infection of the lip. The usual cause is the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) although HSV-2 is been increasingly implicated. It is estimated that 90% of the population have been exposed to HSV-1. 20-30% of those infected experience outbreaks of  small blisters or sores on or [read the full story…]

Children who have lived in care homes are at greater risk of suicide


There is remarkably little research in this field. Epidemiological studies of suicidal behaviour in children and young people from the care system have previously come mainly from Scandinavia. A Swedish longitudinal national cohort study (ref 2) from last year concluded that every seventh girl (14%) who left long-term foster family care after age 17 was [read the full story…]

Insomnia can help predict depression


People with depression frequently have trouble sleeping and this restlessness often first appears at the onset of the depressive disorder and continues until well after the depression has been successfully treated. This new meta-analysis conducted by a research team from the University of Freiburg Medical Center in Germany, investigates if insomnia can be viewed as [read the full story…]

How to diagnose and treat medically unexplained physical symptoms and somatoform disorders


A multidisciplinary group of Dutch scientists have produced a guideline to help diagnose and treat medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS) and somatoform disorders (SD) in primary care, hospitals and occupational health settings. The guideline summarises the best available evidence and attempts to answer 4 key questions, for which the following findings are presented: 1. Preventive [read the full story…]

Chlorhexidine is not effective in preventing coronal caries


While dental caries has a significant impact on adults much of the research on the prevention of this common disease is focussed on children.  The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that a chlorhexidine (CHX) coating, compared with a placebo coating, reduces dental caries increment in at-risk adults over a period of [read the full story…]

Fluoride varnish can be used as an effective caries preventive measure for high-caries-risk children

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We recently reported on a other fluoride varnish study in a similar age group  conducted in the UK.  The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of 5% sodium fluoride (NaF) varnish application in reducing caries increments in the permanent dentition of rural Brazilian school children over the course of 12 months. Children [read the full story…]

Fluoride supplements have a preventive effect on caries in permanent teeth

Logo of The Cochrane Collaboration

In the past 30 years most developed countries have seen a decrease in the prevalence and severity of dental caries in children, with most disease now found in children often characterised by a low socioeconomic status. The aim of this Cochrane review was to evaluate the efficacy of fluoride supplements for preventing dental caries in [read the full story…]

Depression prevention programmes show promise in helping children and young people, according to new Cochrane review


By the age of 19, between a fifth and a quarter of young people have suffered from a depressive disorder. There are associations between depression and self-harm, suicide, substance abuse, poor academic performance and social dysfunction. The most robust evidence exists for two particular psychological interventions: cognitive behavioural therapy and interpersonal therapy. There is evidence [read the full story…]

People who brush and floss regularly have less gum bleeding compared to toothbrushing alone

Logo of The Cochrane Collaboration

The daily use of dental floss in addition to toothbrushing is frequently recommended for the prevention of caries and periodontal diseases. The aim of this Cochrane review was to assess the effects of flossing in addition to toothbrushing, as compared with toothbrushing alone, in the management of periodontal diseases and dental caries in adults. A [read the full story…]

Mouth care and ventilator-associated pneumonia

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For critically  ill patients  receiving mechanical ventilation, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a life threatening condition. Incidence rates varies and mortality rates can be as high as 50% . The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects brushing teeth twice daily with purified water on VAP rates and oral health or hygiene in postneurosurgical, [read the full story…]