FFP3 fit testing accuracy and Covid-19 prevalence update

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In another of his series of blogs on Covid-19 Mark-Steven Howe looks at the latest data on prevalence from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and data on the fit testing of FFP3 masks.

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Oral lichen planus: How common is it worldwide?

Lichen Planus -histopathology

This review of the global prevalence of oral lichen planus (OLP) included 66 observational studies providing an estimate of prevalence of 1.01% (0.74 to 1.32%).

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“I mean, what is depression?” How GPs distinguish between emotional distress and depressive disorder


Linda Gask reviews a recent qualitative exploration of UK general practitioners’ perceptions of distinctions between emotional distress and depression.

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The rapid increase in global mental illness: fake news?


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a systematic review and meta-analysis examining if the global prevalence rate of adult mental illness is increasing.

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Non-carious cervical lesions: How common are they in adults?


This review of the worldwide prevalence of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in adults included 26 cross-sectional studies providing a weighted prevalence estimate estimate of 46.7 %(95%CI; 38.2 to 55.3 %).

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Caries prevalence in preterm and low birth weight children


This review of the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children born preterm and/or with a low birth weight included 59 observational studies suggesting caries prevelence was similar to full term children of normal weight. However, the certainty of teh evidence was very low.

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Suicide and mental illness in low- and middle-income countries

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Tessa Roberts summarises a recent a systematic review and meta-analysis, which looks into the prevalence of mental illness and suicidal behaviour in low- and middle-income countries.

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Prevalence of comorbid personality disorder and alcohol use disorder


People diagnosed with “personality disorders” are likely to also experience alcohol problems.

Dean Connolly summarises a recent systematic review that confirms the very high prevalence of comorbid personality disorders and alcohol use disorders.

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Peri-implantitis: Is periodontal disease a risk factor?


This review to assess whether dental implants placed in patients with periodontitis have a higher risk of peri-implantitis included 19 mainly cross-sectional studies providing very low quality evidence to suggest a link.

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