Suicide and self-harm in children: prevalence rates cause for concern


In Mahmoud Arif’s debut blog, he and Rasanat Fatima Nawaz summarise a meta-analysis published in The Lancet Psychiatry, which estimated the prevalence rates of self-harm behaviours and suicidal ideation in children aged 12 years and under.

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Detection of depression in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries


Lucy Barrass considers a systematic review exploring the detection of depression in primary care settings in low- and middle-income countries.

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E- cigarette use worldwide


This review assessing the epidemiological profile of e-cigarette users worldwide included 43 studies from 28 countries. A majority (60% of studies were considered to be at low risk of bias. The findings provide prevalence estimates and suggest that the highest proportion of e-cigarette users was in the 18- to 24 age group.

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Periodontitis – Global prevalence 2011-2022

plaque,calculus,periodontal disease

This review to estimate the prevalence of periodontitis between 2011 and 2020 from epidemiological data included 55 studies. From 32 studies with confident case definition an estimate of periodontitis prevalence = 61.6% (95%CI; 55.1% to 67.9%) and a estimate of severe periodontitis = 23.6% (95%CI;17.6% to 30.1%).

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1 in 5 pre-school aged children develop PTSD symptoms following trauma exposure. Why are we still neglecting these children?

Shy boy

In her debut blog, Mira Vasileva summarises a systematic review which suggests that the pooled prevalence of PTSD in pre-school children who have been exposed to trauma was 21.5%.

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Global prevalence of edentulism in the over 45s


This review summarising global data on the prevalence of edentulism and dental caries of people aged ≥45 years living in the community included 86 studies. The estimated global prevalence of edentulism in those ≥45 years was 22% (95%CI; 19 to 24%).

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Common mental health inequalities across racialised groups: the gaps are getting bigger


Lucy Barrass reviews a study on the prevalence of common mental disorders and treatment receipt for people from ethnic minority backgrounds in England.

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Peri-implantitis – How common is it?


This review aiming to estimate the overall prevalence of peri-implantitis included 57 studies (18 cross-sectional,18 longitudinal, 17 cohort studies, 3 RCTs and 1 case-control). Meta-analysis found an ooverall patient level prevalence of 20% (95%CI; 16.6 to 23.7%). However most of the studies used convenience samples and there was a marked heterogeneity in the diagnostic criteria used so the findings should be viewed cautiously.

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ADHD is a substantial risk factor for poor academic performance, according to a new study from Norway #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch summarises a recent population-based study of ADHD deficit in school performance across sex and parental education, which has some interesting findings for parents, teachers and health professionals.

Join us around the #CAMHScampfire on Tuesday 27th September to discuss this paper.

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Critiquing the evidence behind the “evidence-based conclusions” about ADHD


Shuichi Suetani and Gaj Panagoda explore the World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement published in 2021, which contains “208 evidence-based conclusions about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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