Prenatal education reduced mutans streptococci levels and sugar intake

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Mutans streptococci (mutans)  have an important role in dental caries. Individuals having high levels of these organisms being considered to be a higher risk of  disease.  The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a prenatal nutrition intervention to reduce sugar intake and mutans in  low-income women. Pregnant women ≥18 years of [read the full story…]

Light therapy may help reduce depression during pregnancy, says small randomised controlled trial

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Depression commonly occurs during pregnancy and it’s often a challenging condition to treat as the health of the mother has to be balanced with the potential risks that can be caused to the foetus by antidepressant drugs. Pilot trials have previously shown that light therapy may be a safe and effective treatment in this population, [read the full story…]

No evidence that periodontal treatment during pregnancy prevents adverse pregnancy outcomes

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The latest critical summary from the ADA Centre for Evidence-based dentistry looks at  a systematic review and meta-analysis of obstetric outcomes after periodontal treatment  that was first published in  2010 in the British Medical Journal. A number of studies have associated periodontal disease with adverse obstetric outcomes ( pre term, low birth weight,etc)  The aim [read the full story…]

Substance misuse in pregnancy: new Canadian guidelines

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Substance use during pregnancy is common. In national prevalence surveys, 14% of Canadian women reported using alcohol during their last pregnancy, and 17% reported smoking during pregnancy. The prevalence of illicit drug use among Canadian women of childbearing age is less but not insignificant. In United States population surveys, around 5% of pregnant women reported [read the full story…]

Mentoring may help pregnant women and mothers who experience intimate partner violence

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We know very little about how to increase the safety and wellbeing of mothers who experience intimate partner violence. A good deal of the research in this field focuses on treatments delivered by health professionals, but this cluster randomised trial from Melbourne Australia looked at the impact that non-professional mentor support can have in reducing [read the full story…]

SSRI antidepressants increase the risk of major abnormalities in pregnancy

This huge review suggests that there are several effective treatment choices for generalised anxiety disorder across classes of medication.

A large observational study from Finland has found that women who drink alcohol and take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressives (SSRI) during the first trimester of pregnancy significantly increase their risk for foetal alcohol spectrum disorders.  The study also found an increase in risk for some major congenital malformations associated with the use of SSRIs during the first [read the full story…]

Contraception and women with learning disabilities

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This study looked at the use of contraception by a study population of 234 women aged 15-59 who lived in services provided by a Dutch service provider. The authors gathered data from the pharmacy database, attending physicians and medical files. The study found that 48%, of the 234 women used some method of contraception, 78% [read the full story…]