Chronic ulcerative stomatitis: Clinical and immunological features

Direct immunoflorescence

In this blog Iris Vaid looks at a review of chronic ulcerative stomatitis (CUS) a rare mucous membrane condition that presents clinically as non-specific ulcerated or erosive lesions. The review included 81 cases reported in 25 papers.

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Nonsurgical root canal therapy: What is the most effective oral premedication to reduce post treatment pain?


This review of the most effective oral premedication in reducing pain in adults after nonsurgical root canal therapy including 16 studies. While a premedication of choice is suggested most outcomes are only supported by very low quality evidence.

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Third molar surgery: Steroids had a beneficial effect on pain, swelling and trismus


This review of effectiveness of corticosteroids in the post-operative control of pain, swelling and trismus after third molar surgery included 17 RCTs suggesting that corticosteroid use had beneficial effects on pain swelling and trismus.

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Orthognathic surgery: Are perioperative steroids beneficial?

Bariatric surgery and marked weight loss is likely to improve knee complaints but there is a need for high quality studies

This review of perioperative systemic corticosteroids on clinically important outcomes in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery identified 8 small RCTs. A reduction in facial oedema was seen in those receiving systemic corticosteroids. However the quality of the studies is limited and there is lack of evidence on other outcomes or adverse effects.

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Corticosteroids for post-endodontic pain


This review of the efficacy of corticosteroids on postoperative endodontic pain. found that patients receiving corticosteroids reported significantly lower pain scores at 6, 12 and 24hrs postoperatively.

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Prednisolone for post-endodontic pain?

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This randomised controlled trial of a single, preoperative oral dose of prednisolone on post-endodontic pain involved 400 patients demonstrating a significant reduction in pain at 6,12 and 24 hours.

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