Sarah Carr considers a Swedish study on understandings of evidence-based practice in social work practitioners, managers and policy makers and wonders how the findings could relate to social work in the UK.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr considers a Swedish study on understandings of evidence-based practice in social work practitioners, managers and policy makers and wonders how the findings could relate to social work in the UK.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Caroline De Brún looks at a report published by the Nuffield Trust, which suggests a list of priorities for the government to act on, around improvement in the NHS.
[read the full story...]Mike Clark provides a timely commentary on research into the impact of personalisation on home care services for older people and finds inherent tensions between choice, competition and the desire for improving the relational aspects of direct care.
[read the full story...]Gerry Bennison offers food for thought in his blog on research into how disability welfare has been characterised in popular UK tabloid articles.
[read the full story...]Following the publication of the Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services yesterday, the special blog asks how the Social Care Elf can help social workers with their knowledge, skills and continuing professional development.
[read the full story...]Mike Clark, a man who’s in the business of research and evidence based practice, looks at an Australian study about policy makers’ use of research evidence. He discovers what some of the cultural and practical barriers are and thinks about the UK context.
[read the full story...]The aim of this literature review from the Policy Research Unit in Commissioning at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, is to help decision-makers support acute care, by moving some services out of the hospital, and into the community.
[read the full story...]In her blog, Lindsey Pike of RiPfA examines a literature review on adult safeguarding in Britain and considers the implications for Care Act implementation.
[read the full story...]Mary Larkin looks at research on carer mental health and asks us to consider the wider implications for social care policy and carer support.
[read the full story...]In his very first blog for the Social Care Elf, Martin Stevens of King’s College London and chair of the Social Services Research Group, takes a critical look at some of the research and debate around self-directed support and personal budgets in adult social care.
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