Platform-switching dental implants improved bone preservation in short term


This review of platform-switching of dental implants included 17 RCTs and found that bone loss was lower than in regular platform implants, mean difference = -0.41mm (95%CI; -0.58 to -0.24) with no difference in failure rates RR = 1.10 (95%CI; 0.6–2.02).

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Dental implants: platform switching may decrease bone loss


This review of platform switching for dental implants included 18 RCTs in a meta-analysis and suggests an improvement in marginal bone loss. However, the longest study were only of 3 years duration and the authors recommend the results be interpreted with caution due to the presence of uncontrolled confounding factors in the included studies.

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Some evidence of reduction of peri-implant bone loss with platform switching


The concept and use of platform switching has gathered pace with the increasing numbers of dental implants being placed. platform switching (PS), where a small diameter implant abutment is placed in order to place the implant- abutment interface medial to the edge of the implant platform is considered to have a positive impact on maintaining [read the full story…]

Trial suggests no beneficial effect for platform switching for implants at 3 years

Cross section of a dental implant

Following placement of dental implants changes to bone level around the implant take place. Platform switching involves the use of an abutment with a smaller diameter than the diameter of the implant shoulder and is considered by some to lead to reduced peri-implant bone loss.   The aim of this trial was to assess the effect [read the full story…]

Evidence of small benefit in peri-implant bone loss seen in first 5 years with platform switching

Cross section of a dental implant

This critical summary from the American Dental Association – Evidence-based Center (ADA-EBD) looks at a 2010 systematic review from Atieh et al. The aim of the review was to assess whether platform switching  (the placement of a smaller diameter prosthetic component on a larger diameter implant fixture) improved survival rate and bone loss. The commentator [read the full story…]