Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome


In this blog, Tracey Howe looks at a Cochrane systematic review, examining the effects of exercise therapy for patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

[read the full story...]

Health related quality of life after total hip replacement


Do you know that over 1 million hip replacements are carried out each year? The majority of Total Hip Replacements are for people with severe arthritis of the hip that causes pain and reduction in function. We elves wanted to know for someone with osteoarthritis of the hip what are the medium term health related [read the full story…]

Is exercise effective for osteoarthritis of the hip for pain and function?


In this blog, Tracey Howe considers a recent Cochrane systematic review examining whether land-based therapeutic exercise is beneficial for people with hip osteoarthritis in terms of reduced joint pain and improved physical function and quality of life.

[read the full story...]

Does exercise reduce pain and improve physical function before hip or knee replacement surgery?

skeleton exercises

We are continuing our theme this week of exercise and physical activity as the  5×50 worldwide exercise flash-mob challenge starts on Friday 23rd November (see earlier post) Do you know anyone who is waiting for a knee or hip joint replacement? They typically experience pain, reduced muscle strength and function. So how can they prepare [read the full story…]

Systematic review of patient-specific instruments measuring physical function


While talking to a fellow Elf recently at the World Congress of Active Ageing in Glasgow this week about the core set of outcome measures that have been introduced across Scotland as part of its re-designed musculoskeletal pathways (NHS Scotland, 2012) she asked me an interesting question: “do you think that a patient-specific functional scale [read the full story…]