Maudsley guidelines for physical health

Best Practice concept. Magnifying Glass on Old Paper with Red Vertical Line Background.

“There are many other ways to get our patients better than prescribing and talking.”

Shuichi Suetani reviews a recently published textbook: The Maudsley Practice Guidelines for Physical Health Conditions in Psychiatry.

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Group physical activity for people with severe mental illness: from inactivity to engagement


A group of MSc Clinical Mental Health Sciences students at UCL Psychiatry summarise a systematic review on the experience of initiating community-based group physical activity by people with serious mental illness.

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New Wellcome report on #WorkplaceMentalHealth

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Andy Bell looks at a new report from the Wellcome Trust entitled: Putting science to work – Understanding what works for workplace mental health.

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Stay fit in response to COVID: simple recommendations and COH-FIT


Marco Solmi tells us about the importance of physical activity as people in the UK enter a second period of coronavirus lockdown.

He also introduces us to the huge international COH-FIT study, which will help us better understand how the pandemic is affecting people and what can help.

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Passive sedentary behaviours increase the risk of depression in adults


Susie Rudge highlights a recent paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry which suggests that people with depression should be encouraged to replace passive sedentary behaviours with mentally active ones for the best possible chance of symptom improvement.

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Can yoga help treat depression in people with other mental health problems?


Briana Applewhite summarises a recent systematic review about the effects of yoga on depression symptoms in people with mental disorders.

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Global pandemic: how do teenagers and families feel?


Dafni Katsampa reflects on a new piece of qualitative research led by a 15 year old researcher, which focuses on teenagers’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and presents a set of recommendations for parents and families that cover mental wellbeing, the importance of routine, exercise and screen time.

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Walk this way: can a health coaching intervention increase physical activity in people with severe mental illness?

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Gordon Johnston and Michel Syrett prepare for the #HealthSMI event on 24th June by blogging about a recent pilot RCT of a health coaching intervention (Walk This Way) to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity in people with serious mental illness.

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Physical activity while pregnant may help prevent postpartum depression


Briana Applewhite summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of physical activity during pregnancy and the risk of postpartum depression.

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Is reading for pleasure in childhood good for your health?

Although an association between reading for pleasure and healthy behaviours was identified, causation is still unclear.

Francesca Bentivegna summarises a recent study of the benefits of reading for pleasure in childhood, which finds an association 3 years later with consuming more fruit and being less exposed to both cigarette and alcohol use.

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