Youth trauma narratives: a thematic analysis of meaning-making during trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT)


In her debut blog, Georgina Thompson explores a qualitative study of how young people create meaning of their experiences during trauma narration, when receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy.

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Intimate partner violence, suicide and self-harm: uncovering the links

Double exposure black and white portrait of a woman covering her face and eyes with her hands

Piumee Bandara summarises a cross-sectional study which finds that people who had experienced lifetime intimate partner violence (IPV) were almost three times more likely to have made a suicide attempt in the past year, compared to people without experience of IPV.

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Who can you trust? The links between childhood adversity, deprivation and pandemic restrictions in Wales


In her debut blog, Poppy Brown summarises a survey which explores the links between adverse childhood experiences, attitudes towards COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine hesitancy.

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The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health #IPVmentalhealth

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Rachel Milligan summarises the recently published Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health, which establishes a roadmap for strengthening responses across mental health services, research, and policy.

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Childhood trauma, bullying-victimisation and the mental health of LGBTQ+ individuals


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou review a study from the Netherlands that looks at the links between childhood trauma, bullying-victimization and mental illness in people from sexual minority groups.

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Borderline personality disorder and intimate partner violence


In her debut blog, Jessica Tunmore summarises a recent research study, which looks at the relationship between borderline personality disorder and intimate partner violence.

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Psychological interventions effective for improving mental health and sleep following complex trauma


In her debut blog, Delia Ciobotaru explores a network meta-analysis which finds that psychological treatments are effective in reducing PTSD symptoms experienced by people with complex trauma.

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Can childhood maltreatment lead to a female cycle of violence?


Ioana Crivatu explores a meta-analysis which finds that females exposed to adverse events in childhood may be more likely to enter a cycle of violence in adulthood

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Determinants of mental health: a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health


Noortje Uphoff summarises a briefing from the Commission for Equality in Mental Health, which outlines how people from disadvantaged groups are more likely to be exposed to the factors that have a negative impact on our mental health.

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Younger mums may be at higher risk of mental health problems #ESMI


Jennifer Burgess summarises the results of a small cross-sectional study of young pregnant women at risk of mental disorders, which found that young women had greater odds of having a common mental disorder and CMDs were associated with living alone and abuse.

Follow #ESMI today on Twitter for all of the updates from the ESMI study day (Effectiveness of Services for Mothers with Mental Illness).

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