In her debut blog, Peter Boyd-Piercy summarises a recent report for Oasis Community Housing on the prevalence of trauma among people who have experienced homelessness in England.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Peter Boyd-Piercy summarises a recent report for Oasis Community Housing on the prevalence of trauma among people who have experienced homelessness in England.
[read the full story...]Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou summarise a recent paper on integrating HIV and substance misuse services, which draws on a person-centred approach that is grounded in human rights.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Richard Byng summarises a study which finds that protocolising psychological therapy could be detrimental for telemental health.
[read the full story...]Clair Le Boutillier looks at a recent qualitative review which asks what service users think of activities available on acute mental health inpatient wards.
[read the full story...]Emmeline Lagunes summarises a recent paper from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which outlines the importance of person-centred care in contemporary medicine and psychiatry.
[read the full story...]Jennifer Rose Oulton reviews a qualitative study that explores the experiences of psychotropic medication use and decision-making for adults with learning disabilities and their carers.
[read the full story...]Lorna Collins reviews a qualitative study on how young people with mental health difficulties perceive and define recovery and their personal journey.
[read the full story...]A group of UCL Mental Health MSc students summarise a recent clinical review of the challenges we face in providing end of life dementia care.
[read the full story...]On the day that the new Mental Health Act Review report is published, Sonia Johnson and Bryn Lloyd-Evans reflect on the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit contribution to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act.
[read the full story...]Bruce McClure’s blog looks at a feasibility study of ‘LifeFul’, a reablement programme in the care home context.
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