This review of minimally invasive periodontal surgery for the treatment of intra‐bony defects included 25 studies of which 10 were randomised controlled trials. There is limitied evidence comparing minimal and traditional approach but minimal invasive surgery may produce similar outcomes.
[read the full story...]Chlorhexidine mouthwash after periodontal or implant surgery
This review of the benefits of chlorhexidine rinsing after periodontal or implant surgery included 11 small RCTs which provide very low quality evidence of a benefit.
[read the full story...]Periodontal infrabony defects: does autologous platelet concentrates (APC) improve surgical outcomes
38 RCTs were included in this Cochrane review of the effects of autologous platelet concentrates (APC) used as an adjunct to periodontal surgery. Very low quality evidence was found for two approaches involving open flap debridement.
[read the full story...]Periodontal regeneration therapies: Are benefits long-term?
This review of periodontal regeneration therapies included 52 trials. While the results suggest some statistically significant improvements they may not be clinically important. There is also limited data for outcomes longer than 12 months.
[read the full story...]Impacted canines – insufficient evidence for best surgical approach for good periodontal outcomes
This review of surgical approaches for the management of labially impacted canines only identified 3 small studies at high risk of bias. These provide insufficient evidence to determine the best approach.
[read the full story...]Lasers for surgical periodontal treatment – insufficient evidence of effectiveness
Eight small trials were identified for this review of lasers as an adjunct to surgical periodontal treatment. The limited number of studies and variation in the types of lasers used means there is insufficient evidence to support their effectiveness.
[read the full story...]Gingival recession: root surface modifiers did not improve surgical outcomes
Six small randomised controlled trials were found for this review assessing the use of root surface modifiers to improve the outcome of gingival recession surgery. None of the agents evaluated were seen to be of benefit.
[read the full story...]Periodontal surgery: less favourable outcomes in smokers
This review of periodontal flap surgery identified 8 small studies, all of which demonstrated better outcomes in terms of probing the depth and the attachment level for non-smokers.
[read the full story...]Periodontal surgery for furcation defects
This review included 11 small low quality studies that suggest clinical benefits at 6 months. Further high quality longer term studies are needed to assess the clinical relevance.
[read the full story...]Periodontal surgery for multiple gingival recessions
This review of periodontal surgery for multiple gingival recessions includes 9 small RCTs with relatively short follow up periods and suggests that the percentage root coverage can be improved although complete root coverage was more variable.
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