Periodontal surgery: less favourable outcomes in smokers


This review of periodontal flap surgery identified 8 small studies, all of which demonstrated better outcomes in terms of probing the depth and the attachment level for non-smokers.

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Periodontal surgery for furcation defects


This review included 11 small low quality studies that suggest clinical benefits at 6 months. Further high quality longer term studies are needed to assess the clinical relevance.

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Periodontal surgery for multiple gingival recessions


This review of periodontal surgery for multiple gingival recessions includes 9 small RCTs with relatively short follow up periods and suggests that the percentage root coverage can be improved although complete root coverage was more variable.

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Periodontal surgery for localised gingival recessions


This review of periodontal surgery for localised gingival recession included 51 RCTs and provides evidence to support the use of coronally advanced flap procedures alone or with connective tissue grafts.

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Toothbrushing, plaque removal and gingivitis


The aim of this review was to appraise and summarise systematic reviews of the efficacy and safety of available homecare toothbrush regimens for mechanical plaque removal on plaque and gingivitis in adults. Ten systematic reviews were included confirming that toothbrushing is effective in reducing levels of dental plaque.

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Toothbrushing: little data on association with gingival recession


This review considered the association between toothbrushing and gingival recession and non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs). 19 studies were included a majority (13) were cross-sectional and they provide limited data to support or refute the associations.

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Peri-implant mucositis: adjuncts to improve professional plaque removal


Only 7 small trials with 140 patients in total were available for this review. It suggests that adjunctive treatments did not significantly improve the efficacy of professional plaque removal in improving gingival indices, bleeding on probing or pocket depth.

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Professional mechanical plaque removal for secondary prevention of periodontal disease


For this review of professional mechanical plaque removal 19 studies were identified. While benefits were shown for an number of outcomes; tooth loss; clinical attachment; pocket depth and bleeding on probing the impact on long-term tooth survival and stability of periodontal parameters has still to be assessed.

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Oral health-related behaviours: improved with interventions using goal setting, self-monitoring and planning


This new review included 14 studies and included 7 theoretical models of health-related behaviour. The findings suggest that Interventions based on the use of goal setting, self-monitoring and planning are effective in improving oral health-related behaviours.

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Periodontal disease: no clear evidence that full-mouth scaling superior to conventional treatment approaches


This updated Cochrane review now includes 12 trials. However, there is no clear evidence that full-mouth scaling or full-mouth disinfection provides additional benefit compared to conventional scaling and root planing.

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