This review of motivational interviewing (MI) for the oral morbidities in adults included 7 randomised controlled trials. The findings focused on periodontal outcomes suggesting that MI has the potential to improve plaque and bleeding indicies.
[read the full story...]Supportive care to prevent recurrence or progression of peri-implantitis

This review of whether supportive care is effective in preventing recurrence or progression of peri-implantitis included 15 studies. However none of the included studies was specifically designed to test supportive care regimens so there is a need for new well conducted and reported randomised trials of appropraite size and duration to provide better quality evidence.
[read the full story...]Oil pulling for oral health

This review of oil pulling compared to chlorhexidine and other mouthwashes in improving the plaque, gingival and bacteria count parameters included 25 RCTs. However, the studies are modest in size of short duration and all except one study were considered to be at high risk of bias. Consequently the available evidence is of very low certainty and should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]Vitamin D and periodontitis

This review compared vitamin D levels in individuals with or without periodontitis, and the effects of scaling and root planing (SRP) +vitamin D on periodontal clinical parameters in patients with periodontitis. The findings suggest a possible benefit but the quality of evidence means the findings should be interpreted very cautiously.
[read the full story...]Smoking and the incidence of peri-implantitis

This review of the influence of smoking on the incidence of peri-implantitis included 6 prospective cohort studies involving a total of 762 patients. The findings suggest an increased patient-level risk of peri-implantitis in smokers risk ratio = 2.08 (95%CI; 1.17 to 3.71.
[read the full story...]Peri-implantitis – adjunctive measures to non-surgical peri-implant therapy

This review of the effectiveness of patient-performed or administered adjunctive measures to non-surgical peri-implantitis therapy included 9 RCTs. A wide range of interventions were tested but the studies were mainly small with only one being at low risk of bias. Consequently addition high quality well conducted studies are needed on both the prevention and treatment of peri-implant disease.
[read the full story...]Peri-implantitis – surgical treatment methods

This review comparing the effectiveness of different surgical methods for peri-implantitis included 13 parallel group RCTs. However, a wide variety of interventions were tested and the studies were generally small providing very low certainty evidence. Consequently additional high quality well reported studies are needed.
[read the full story...]Bioactive glass for periodontal defects

This review aimed to assess the effect of bioactive glass on bone and periodontal regeneration and included 20 RCTs. The included studies were small, involved numerous comparisions with only two being at low risk of bias. The findings showed a statistically signiciant benefit for probing depth with bioglass but this may not be clinically significant and the limited quality of thei included studies mean the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]Adjunctive chlorhexidine for gingival health in orthodontic patients

This review of the efficacy of chlorhexidine (CHX) products in maintaining gingival health in orthodontic patients with fixed appliances included 20 RCTs only 1 of which was at low risk of bias. The findings showed a benefcial effect on gingival parameters with CHX mouthwash at 1-3 months but the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and oral health

This review of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) exposure and oral health among adults included 4 cross-sectional studies with the findings indicating an association between ACEs and poor oral health.
[read the full story...]