New research on metabolomic pathways supports the case to routinely screen for antenatal depression

Sad pregnant asian woman

Nora Rosenberg summarises the largest and most comprehensive study to date on metabolomic pathways to antenatal depression, birth outcomes and offspring development.

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Perinatal loss and mental health: are psychosocial interventions beneficial for parents?


Jill Domoney explores a recent review, which suggests that psychosocial interventions may improve depression, anxiety, and grief amongst parents suffering from perinatal loss.

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Periodontal treatment during pregnancy-no evidence of impact on preterm birth

Routine specialist pregnancy care involved an initial meeting to discuss quitting smoking and set a quit date, followed by 4 weekly telephone calls, and free nicotine replacement therapy for 10 weeks.

15 RCTs were included in this Cochrane review of impact of periodontal treatment on adverse pregnancy outcomes. all the included studies were considered to be at high risk of bias. There was no evidence that periodontal treatment reduces the number of preterm babies.

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Suicide during the perinatal period


Katrina Witt reviews a new UK study, which finds that women who ended their own lives during the perinatal period were significantly more likely to have a recent onset of depression, and were less likely to be receiving active treatment, and particularly medication, at their time of their death.

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Periodontal treatment and adverse pregnancy outcomes


This study updates a previous meta-analysis adding 2 new studies and reassessing the findings. Overall, it suggests that the provision of periodontal treatment does not seem to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes, although there is a suggestion of benefit in high risk populations.

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