Is telephone peer support for the prevention of postnatal depression worth the cost?


. Peer support has been a hot topic in the woodland recently. Although there appears to be a lack of evidence to support the clinical effectiveness of peer support interventions for people with severe mental illness, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, it is an approach that is highly valued by many. It might be [read the full story…]

No support for peer support?


In this blog, I’m going to be discussing a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of “peer support for people with serious mental illness” (Lloyd-Evans et al, 2014). It’s something of a personal (as well as an academic) interest, as I am a carer and have been involved in mutual peer support groups myself. I have given [read the full story…]

Peer support for people with long term conditions: guidance from the Mental Health Foundation


This brief new guidance will be of interest if you are involved in delivering or planning peer support for people with long term conditions. It’s the result of a research project carried out in Scotland during 2010-11, which reported that: Peer support activity for people with long term conditions across Scotland had a positive impact [read the full story…]