Social media and self-harm in young people: help or hindrance?


Jess Williams summarises a qualitative study that questions whether removing graphic self-harm content from social media helps or hinders young people.

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Suicide awareness materials: do they help people with suicidal ideation?


Edel Ennis writes her debut blog and reviews an online RCT on the effects of suicide awareness materials on individuals with recent suicidal ideation or attempt. Do stories of hope and recovery help protect people from suicide?

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Mental health carers: peer-led training, education and support #MentalHealthCarers


Bethany Gill helps us prepare for the #MentalHealthCarers event by summarising a service evaluation of a peer-led psychoeducation programme which aims to improve mental health carers well-being, reduce burden and enrich empowerment.

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After the crisis: self-management and peer-support

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Jenny Collom, Maria Giorgalli and Derek Tracy welcome a new RCT published yesterday in The Lancet which demonstrates the benefits of peer-supported self-management for people discharged from a mental health crisis team.

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Conversational agents for mental health apps: now with added artificial empathy


Matthew Bennion reviews two recent studies that sought to develop artificially empathic conversational agents for use in mental health.

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Mental health diagnosis: views and experiences of service users and clinicians


Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.

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Moderated online social therapy: relapse prevention for youth depression


Sarah Knowles looks at a next-generation social media-based relapse prevention intervention for youth depression, explored in an Australian qualitative study looking at social networking, safety and clinical benefit.

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A hierarchy of stigma based on mental health diagnosis?

A group therapy session takes place.

Laura Hemming explores a recent qualitative study of the experiences of stigma felt by people with mental health problems who were recruited through a local mental health charity.

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Perinatal depression in mothers: how can treatment help with parenting and child development?


Eloise Stark publishes her debut blog on a recent systematic review, which looks at the effect that treatment for perinatal depression in mothers can have on parenting and child development.

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Youth online discussion forums: how do young people support each other and what do they talk about?


Masters students from the ICH Child and Adolescent Mental Health course explore a recent qualitative study into how young people use the Kooth online discussion forum for emotional and mental health issues.

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