Complete dentures: which occlusal scheme is best?


17 studies (11 RCTs) were included in this review of occlusal schemes for complete dentures suggesting that bilateral balanced occlusion does not confer better quality of life/satisfaction or masticatory performance and muscle activity.

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Shortened dental arch: does prosthetic treatment have a positive impact?


This small trial compared the restoration of the posterior reduced dental arch with either a denture or no denture. They found greater satisfaction and quality of life in the no denture group.

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Removable partial dentures and quality of life


This review of the effect of removable partial dentures (RPDs) on quality of life included 16 studies mainly retrospective and cross-sectional providing limited evidence of any association association between patient-reported QoL or satisfaction with technical or biological parameters of RPDs.

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Mandibular overdentures and impact on oral health


This review assessed patient satisfaction with mandibular implant overdentures using the Oral Health Impact Profile. Only 5 RCTs were included and findings suggest that implant supported overdentures perform better than conventional dentures.

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Computer games for oral health education in young children

Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions are effective at improving child conduct problems, parental mental health and parenting skills in the short term, in the parents of children aged 3-12.

This small RCT of a computer game to deliver oral health education in high caries risk children and families was highly satisfactory to users. Improvements in knowledge were demonstrated is the short term > however there was a high drop out rate an further studies are needed to assess change sin other groups and longer term benefits.

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Mandibular implant overdentures: Impact on patient based outcomes.


Mark-Steven Howe writes his debut blog on an updated review by Kodoma et al on the efficacy of the mandibular 2-implant overdenture.

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Patient expectations of orthodontic treatment – research currently of poor quality

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This review of patient expectations of orthodontic treatment included 13 studies but found that the methodological quality was poor so recommended that future studies are needed based on well constructed theory.

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Patient safety- few dental studies have been conducted

rubbing out risk with pencil

There is growing interest in patient safety in health care. This review sought to identify any dental research in this area, only a small number of studies were identified demonstrating the need for further research

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Patient satisfaction with combined orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery


This review of patient satisfaction with combined orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery included 8 studies and identified a number of factors associated with patients’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction. However, the quality of the available evidence was limited.

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Satisfaction with orthodontic treatment

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This review of satisfaction with orthodontic treatment included 18 questionnaire-based studies, involving 2891 patients and 464 parents. Based on the available limited evidence, satisfaction was associated with perceived aesthetic outcomes, psychological benefits, and the quality of care.

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