Tell me what you want, what you really really want: lived experience involvement in co-developing outcome measures


Laura Hemming explores a new systematic review out today in The Lancet Psychiatry, which stresses the importance of involving of people with lived experience of mental health disorders in co-developing research outcome measures.

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Subgingival instrumentation for treating periodontitis

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This review evaluating the efficacy of subgingival instruments for the treatment of periodontitis included 19 RCTs. The findings show that mechanical subgingival instrumentation is efficacious in the nonsurgical treatment of periodontitis, irrespective of type of instrument or mode of delivery.

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Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?


Tamsin Ford asks what outcomes count, when it comes to measuring adolescent depression?

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Antibiotics and toothache

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Only 2 RCTs are included in this Cochrane review update of the effects of systemic antibiotics on adults with symptomatic apical periodontitis or acute apical abscess providing insufficient evidence of effectiveness.

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Digital impressions- faster or slower than conventional procedures?


In his debut blog Kenny Strain considers a new review which compares the working times for digital versus conventional impressions as well as patient centered outcomes. The review suggest a patient preference for the digital approach.

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Orthodontic treatment outcomes for cleft lip and palate patients


4o studies were included in this scoping review of orthodontic outcomes used with cleft lip and palate patients. The majority (68%) relate to morphological features of maloclussion with on 3 addressing quality of life issues and 2 health service utilisation.

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Focus on the person, not the problem #CORCforum


André Tomlin considers a new article about high integrity mental health services for children, which calls for mental health and wellbeing support to draw on self, families, school and community resources.

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Orthodontic retainers: impact on periodontal health


While 24 studies were included in this review of the impact of orthodontic retainers on periodontal health there was a lack of high quality evidence to support any particular retainer on this or a range of other parameters. More well-designed and long terms studies are required.

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Can a machine learning approach help us predict what specific treatments work best for individuals with depression?


Marcus Munafo explores a recent study that uses a machine learning approach across two trials (STARD*D and CO-MED) to try and predict treatment outcomes (primarily focusing on the antidepressant citalopram) for depression.

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Dental implants: survey found that patients had high levels of satisfaction with implant-supported restorative treatment


This large Swedish questionnaire survey conducted on a random sample of patients achieved a high response rate (83%) . Those who had received dental implant supported restorative treatment reported very high levels of satisfaction (94%). However, 31% had experienced implant related complications although only 6% reported that these complications occurred frequently.

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