Tell me what you want, what you really really want: lived experience involvement in co-developing outcome measures


Laura Hemming explores a new systematic review out today in The Lancet Psychiatry, which stresses the importance of involving of people with lived experience of mental health disorders in co-developing research outcome measures.

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Intraoral scanning v conventional impressions – patient related outcomes

dental impression

This review comparing patient-related outcomes of intraoral scanning and conventional impression methods included 13 studies. Nine of the included studies were RCTs and all were considered to be at unclear risk of bias. The findings indicated a patient preference for digital scanning over conventional impression techniques.

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Implant-supported overdentures and fixed prostheses in edentulous mandibles


This review comparing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and clinical outcomes associated with implant-supported overdentures and fixed prostheses in edentulous mandibles included 10 small studies. While the findings suggest better PROMS with fixed prosthesis the available evidence is limited in quality and quantity.

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Non-surgical periodontal treatment and oral health related quality of life

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This review of the evidence for the relationship between non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) and patient-based outcomes included 13 mainly observational studies. While the findings suggest that NSPT improves oral health related quality of life but the quality of the evidence is limited.

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Recovering Quality of Life (ReQOL) scale: a PROM you don’t want to miss


Martina Sawicka and Derek Tracy take a look at the ReQOL scale (Recovering Quality of Life): a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) for use with people experiencing mental health difficulties.

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Focus on the person, not the problem #CORCforum


André Tomlin considers a new article about high integrity mental health services for children, which calls for mental health and wellbeing support to draw on self, families, school and community resources.

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Comparing applets and oranges: barriers to evidence-based practice for app-based psychological interventions


A repost of Simon Leigh’s excellent recent article in Evidence-Based Mental Health on the clear need for consensus and guidance for app developers, as to which patient-reported outcome measures should be used when developing mental health apps.

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Absence of evidence on quality of life after different treatment options for fracture of mandibular condyles

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Fractures of the mandibular condyle account for between a quarter and a third of mandibular fractures. However, there is still controversy about the best method of treatment . A recent meta-analysis by Kyas et al ( Dental Elf 20Apr 2012)  suggested that open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) may be as good if not better [read the full story…]

Chewing ability and oral condition were the determinants of denture satisfaction best associated with oral health-related quality of life


The need to use patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) is increasingly recognised.  Patients satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life are two such measure . The main aim of this study was to evaluate  the level of association between patients’ denture satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in edentate patients, and to identify [read the full story…]

Lack of valid, reliable, and responsive instruments to measure patient-reported outcomes in cleft lip and palate surgery


Cleft lip and palate is one of the most commonly encountered congenital abnormalities.  Traditional outcomes measures have focussed on measures such as anatomical measurements  morbidity and mortality. Increasingly patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) such as aesthetic results, speech and quality of life are being used.  The main aim of this review  was to identify existing cleft [read the full story…]