When the keep-fit Elf was on holiday recently her replacement introduced us to a new exercise. We all enthusiastically participated in the ‘power lunges’ (more like wobbling really) but over the next few days the front of my knee hurt climbing stairs, kneeling or bending down. What was wrong? Would exercising make it worse? How [read the full story…]
Patellar taping for treating patellofemoral pain syndrome
Have you noticed on the fantastic TV coverage of the London Olympics 2012 that many of the athletes have medical tape applied directly to their skin. The Dutch women beach volleyball players even had designer tape and the water-polo team must have had waterproof tape. When I was a young Elf in the mid 80s [read the full story…]
Running-related musculoskeletal injuries
Welcome to the Musculoskeletal Elf! This is the first of many regular articles that we plan to publish on this website; highlighting reliable musculoskeletal research and guidance for health and social care professionals. Our first few blogs will have relevance to the London 2012 summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games taking place just now. Well done [read the full story…]