Support for the emotional transition to parenthood: new resource pack from the Department of Health

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‘Preparation for Birth and Beyond: a resource pack for leaders of community groups and activities’ aims to help the NHS, local authorities and the voluntary sector in planning or running groups for expectant and new parents. The pack is a practical tool that aims to improve outcomes for babies and parents through a refreshed approach [read the full story…]

Lack of effective services for young people with challenging behaviour at transition tends to increase protectiveness of parents


There is very little available in the literature that focuses on the perspectives of families caring for someone with severe or profound learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. This ethnographic study aimed to improve understanding of the experiences and perspectives of families, in particular mothers, of young people with these complex needs. The researcher carried out [read the full story…]

Report shows importance of grandparents and extended family in supporting parents with learning disabilities

Suggestions for future research include developing effective and cost effective models of person centred care, supported living and developing approaches to support family members and carers.

Researchers at Norah Fry have been looking at issues relating to supporting parents with learning disabilities for many years, recently producing an extremely helpful report (Finding the right support? A review of issues and positive practice in supporting parents with learning difficulties and their children ). In this report, they focus on the role of grandparents [read the full story…]

New ‘Timid to Tiger’ parenting-based group intervention for young anxious children shows promise

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This randomised controlled trial published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry looks at the effectiveness of a new cognitive-behavioural parenting-based approach for treating anxiety in young children. Timid to Tiger is an entirely parenting-based approach to managing anxiety in children aged nine years or below. It is based on evidence that anxious children benefit [read the full story…]

Will the Family Nurse Partnership model work in the UK?

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Family Nurse Partnership is a preventive programme for vulnerable first time young mothers. It offers intensive and structured home visiting, delivered by specially trained nurses, from early pregnancy until the child is two. The Family Nurse Partnership began in England in 2007 with initial testing in 10 sites. There are now over 50 sites across [read the full story…]