How has the coronavirus pandemic influenced rates of depressive symptoms in pregnant women?


Lucy Purnell summarises a recent cross-sectional study from China, which explores perinatal depression in women during the 2019 coronavirus pandemic.

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Global pandemic: how do teenagers and families feel?


Dafni Katsampa reflects on a new piece of qualitative research led by a 15 year old researcher, which focuses on teenagers’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and presents a set of recommendations for parents and families that cover mental wellbeing, the importance of routine, exercise and screen time.

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COVID trauma response: pandemics require trauma-informed mental health support


Sarah Steeg reviews the new trauma-informed guidance for healthcare workers, developed by the COVID Trauma Response Working Group from UCL and the Camden and Islington NHS Trust. The guidance aims to provide a coordinated, trauma-informed and evidence-based psychological response to the COVID outbreak.

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Quarantine: infection prevention, but at what cost for mental health?


As the COVID-19 lockdown enters its second week in the UK, Matthew Iveson and Andrew McIntosh consider the psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it.

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