Cranio-mandibular manual therapy for temporomandibular disorders

TMJ, Temporomandibular

This review of cranio-mandibular manual therapy (CMMT) on pain and maximum mouth opening in people with temporomandibular disorders included 6 RCTs. While the available evidence supports the use of CMMT it is of very low quality so should be interpreted cautiously.

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Anaesthetic techniques for mandibular posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis

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This review of the most effective method of anaesthesia for mandibular posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis included 22 RCTs. The findings suggest that buccal infiltraion and inferior alveolar nerve block ,Vazirani-Akinosi nerve block and introsseus injections performed better but the evidence was only of low to very low certainty.

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Platelet-rich fibrin to reduce post-operative complications of lower third molar removal


This review of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to reducedpostoperative complications following lower third molar surgery included 6 RCTs.
The findings are consistent to other reviews finding that PRF derivative may lead to improvements in postoperative outcomes from third molar surgery but the amount of evidence is limited.

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Platelet-rich fibrin and third molar post extraction problems


This review of the effectiveness of leukocyte-and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) and advanced-platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) in mandibular third molar extraction included 10 RCTs. While the findings suggest some benefits the studies are small and limited in number so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Occlusal reduction and post-endodontic pain


This review analysing the influence of occlusal reduction on postoperative pain levels after endodontic treatment includes 12 RCTs. The findings suggests no difference was seen in post-treatment pain levels after occlusal reduction.

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Topical anaesthesia: Does it reduce pain perception of local anaesthetic injections?


This review of the effectiveness of topical anaesthesia in in reducing pain during local anaesthetic injections for dental procedures included 22 RCTs. Statistically significant differences were seen during needle puncture with topical anaesthetic use in the maxilla and palate but not the mandible.

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Third molar extraction– effect of preoperative oral corticosteroids on pain, swelling and trismus


Four RCTs involving a total of 212 patients were included in this review of a single pre-operative dose of oral corticosteroids in reducing pain,swelling & trismus after surgical removal of lower third molars. While the findings suggested there was little benefit to the patients none of the studies were small and none of them were at low risk of bias.

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Lasers for treatment of dentine hypersensitivity?


This Cochrane review of the effectiveness of lasers in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity included 23 RCTs. The findings suggest that lasers may reduce pain intensity at short, medium, or long term when compared to placebo/no treatment. However the evidence is limited and of low to very low certainty.

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Third molar surgery – Lingual or buccal-based flaps?


This review of postoperative discomfort, operative time, and wound healing in the short-term follow-up following surgical extraction of lower third molars with lingual- or buccal-based flaps included 7 RCTs. The quality of the included studies was limited and few differences were seen between the type of flaps.

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Occlusal stabilisation appliances for temporomandibular disorders


This review the efficacy of stabilisation appliances in the management of painful temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) included 24 RCTs. The findings suggest they have an efficacy beyond the placebo effect however the evidence of low to very low certainty.

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