Bruce McClure’s blog looks at a feasibility study of ‘LifeFul’, a reablement programme in the care home context.
[read the full story...]Bruce McClure’s blog looks at a feasibility study of ‘LifeFul’, a reablement programme in the care home context.
[read the full story...]Jenny Fisher considers the perspectives of staff, managers and service users of a Scottish social care charitable organisation for children with complex needs, which faces funding and organisational change, brought about by self-directed support legislation.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr examines a literature review on peer workers’ perceptions and experiences to the implementation of peer worker roles in mental health services, and finds some familiar themes.
[read the full story...]Summary of a report, produced by RAND Europe, exploring different models for delivering primary care, including collaboration, and how to manage change.
[read the full story...]Service user researcher and consultant, Gerry Bennison presents his first Social Care Elf blog. In it he critically discusses the findings of a study looking at how leaders in health and social care are responding to service user involvement.
[read the full story...]There is an increasing focus on how organisations that support people with learning disabilities can move to a position where they can deliver personalised services. In Control has provided a range of reports on the evaluation of the use of personal budgets and a recent publication by Helen Sanderson Associates, Creating Person Centred Organisations has [read the full story…]