Oral potentially malignant disorders and impact on quality of life


14 studies were included in this review of the impact of oral potentially malignant disorders of the quality of life. However, they were mainly focused on oral lichen planus, so they provide little evidence for the impact of the wide range of OPMDs on the quality of life.

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Small trial suggests a potential benefit for combination of triamcinolone acetonide and salvianolic acid B for Oral submucous fibrosis patients

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Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is characterized by chronic inflammation and progressive subepithelial connective tissue fibrosis. This can involve the oral cavity, pharynx and upper third of the oesphagus. It is more commonly found in patients in the Asian subcontinent and the Far East.  The aetiology is considered to be multi-factorial with areca nut chewing, nutritional [read the full story…]

Little evidence for drug treatments for oral submucous fibrosis

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Oral Submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic disease caused by the use of areca nut. It  is associated with significant morbidity (including pain and reduced oral opening) and an increased risk for malignancy. The aim of this review identify the published literature on the role of various drugs in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis. [read the full story…]