This review of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) included 152 observational studies providing an estimate of global prevalence of TDIs in permanent teeth of 15.2% (95%CI, 13.0%-17.4%)
[read the full story...]Teething: signs and symptoms
This review of the local or systemic signs and symptoms during the eruption of the primary teeth included 16 observational studies only 5 of which were at low risk of bias. The overall prevalence of signs and symptoms associated with primary tooth eruption in children between 0 and 36 months was 70.5% (95%CI; 54.1-84.6).
[read the full story...]Dementia and oral health
This review of the oral health status of dementia patients included 36 observational studies and highlights the high levels of plaque and many soft tissue related oral health problems suffered by this group of patients.
[read the full story...]School dental screening
This Cochrane review of school dental screening included 6 RCTs finding insufficient evidence that it improves dental attendance. although personalised referral letters or additional motivation elements probably have the ability to improve dental attendance over the short term.
[read the full story...]Tooth loss: does it affect dietary intake and nutritional status?
This review of the impact of tooth loss on dietary intake and nutritional status included 8 low quality cohort studies. Weak and inconsistent evidence of an association was seen. Further high quality studies are needed.
[read the full story...]Dementia and oral health status
28 observational studies were included in this review of the oral health status of people with dementia. The findings suggest that compared with people without dementia those with dementia have poorer oral health.
[read the full story...]Supervised toothbrushing for children and adolescents
Four studies were included in this review of supervised toothbrushing in children and adolescents. The evidence identified provides no conclusive evidence. However previous Cochrane reviews have suggested benefits on caries from supervised brushing.
[read the full story...]Motivational Interviewing for adolescent oral health
This large well-conducted 3-arm cluster RCT compared motivational interviewing(MI) with prevailing health education. Both MI arms of the study were more effective in eliciting positive changes in adolescents’ oral health behaviours and preventing dental caries after 12 months.
[read the full story...]School-based oral health education only has short term impact
This review of school-based oral health education included 12 trials and found it was effective in reducing plaque accumulation over a short period. there was no long-term evidence on the effectiveness.
[read the full story...]Bad breath: how common is it?
This review to assess the prevalence of halitosis in adults and adolescents included 13 studies providing an estimated prevalence of 31.8% (95%CI; 24.6–39.0%).
[read the full story...]