Routine scale and polish for periodontal health


Two UK primary care-based trials were included in this Cochrane review update of routine scale and polish. They provide high certainty evidence of litte or no difference between 6- & 12-monthly scale and polish for adult regular attenders without severe periodontitis.

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Tooth whitening with home-based bleaching products


This Cochrane review update of the effects of home-based tooth whitening products dispensed by a dentist or over-the-counter included 71 RCTs. However, most of thetrials were small single studies of interventions of highly variable nature providing very low-certainty evidence over short time periods to support the effectiveness of home-based chemically-induced whitening.

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Diabetic patients: does periodontal treatment improve glycaemic control?


91 diabetic patients were randomised to non-surgical scaling and root planing and amoxicillin or control. While periodontal status significantly improved at 3 months there was no no significant effects on
glycaemic control.

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Oral health status: Does it have an impact of school attendance and performance?


This review of the influence of oral health on school performance and school attendance included 18 observational studies and suggests a significant relationship between poor dental health and scchool attendance and performance.

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Oral hygiene advice: insufficient evidence for best way of providing one to one advice

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This Cochrane review of the effects of one-to-one oral hygiene advice, provided by a member of the dental team in a dental setting included 19 RCTs providing insufficient evidence to recommend any specific 1:1 method.

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Oral care for nursing home residents

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This Cochrane review of the effects of oral care on prevention of nursing home acquired pneumonia included 4 RCTs providing low quality evidence that oral care may reduce mortality.

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Audiovisual distraction for dental anxiety in children?

Patients in the intervention group were shown a brief informational video before receiving their Internet based intervention, in the hope that this would encourage acceptance of the treatment. 

This review of the effectiveness of audiovisual distraction for reducing dental anxiety in children included 9 trials 6 of which were randomised. The findings suggested that audiovisual distraction was helpful in reducing dental anxiety although all the trials were considered to be at high risk of bias.

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Toothbrushing: fluoride toothpaste needed to reduce caries

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Three RCTs were included in this review of the association between personal oral hygiene and coronal dental caries. The findings suggest that in the absence of fluorides personal oral hygiene did not reduce the incidence of caries.

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Glutaraldehyde or fluoride varnish for dentine hypersensitivity?

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This review of glutaraldehyde or fluoride varnish for dentine hypersensitivity included just 4 small RCTs . The findings suggest a benefit in favour of glutaraldehyde at 7 days but the short-term nature of the studies and their limited quality means these findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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