Jack Wainwright explores how ADHD can impact on all aspects of our lives, not just the three key symptom domains, but on our lifestyle, physical and mental health.
[read the full story...]Jack Wainwright explores how ADHD can impact on all aspects of our lives, not just the three key symptom domains, but on our lifestyle, physical and mental health.
[read the full story...]This review of motivational interviewing (MI) for the oral morbidities in adults included 7 randomised controlled trials. The findings focused on periodontal outcomes suggesting that MI has the potential to improve plaque and bleeding indicies.
[read the full story...]Blogs on oil pulling for oral health, stress in patients and dentists during root canal treatment and incremental v bulk fill composite resin restorations were the most popular between July and September.
[read the full story...]This review of the effectiveness of relaxing music, audio-visuals (AV), and virtual reality (VR) in reducing dental anxiety associated with tooth extraction included 11 RCTs. The findings suggest that music performed better than VR and AV . However the limited number of studies and variation in anxiety scales, musical and visual interventions used means that the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]270 pateints were randomised in this trial to compare high-fluoride toothpaste and high-fluoride mouth rinse for preventing white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment. The findings suggest a benefit for high fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouth rinse in preventing white spot lesions.
[read the full story...]This review of the level of toothbrush contamination and the factors affecting contamination in the general population included 15 studies. The findings show that toothbrush contamination occurs after first use and rises with continuing use. However, there is little evidence of significant adverse events from current practices.
[read the full story...]This review of oil pulling compared to chlorhexidine and other mouthwashes in improving the plaque, gingival and bacteria count parameters included 25 RCTs. However, the studies are modest in size of short duration and all except one study were considered to be at high risk of bias. Consequently the available evidence is of very low certainty and should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]This review assessing the effect of incorporating the dental water jet (DWJ) into the oral hygiene routines of orthodontic patients included 6 RCTs. While the findings suggest a benefit from the use of the DWJ the limited number of small studies none of which were at low risk of bias means the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]This review of caries experience in adult patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) compared diabetics to individuals without DM included 13 mainly cross-sectional studies. The findings suggest higher DMF scores in patietns with DM.
[read the full story...]This review to assess the prevalence in bruxism in patients with Down Syndrome included 8 small studies. The studies were hetrogeneous with a pooled prevalence of 33% (95% CI: 22 to 45%).
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