6 studies were identified for this review of platelet-rich fibrin to improve outcomes after third molar extraction. The studies were small with contradictory findings so further high quality studies are needed.
[read the full story...]6 studies were identified for this review of platelet-rich fibrin to improve outcomes after third molar extraction. The studies were small with contradictory findings so further high quality studies are needed.
[read the full story...]This review of coronectomy for management of impacted mandibular third molars included 14 studies suggesting that it is safe and reliable with a low failure rate (7%).
[read the full story...]This Cochrane review compared titanium & bioresorbable fixation systems for orthognathic surgery. Only 2 RCTS were identified providing insufficient evidence to determine if titanium plates or resorbable plates are superior.
[read the full story...]This updated Cochrane review comparing open v closed surgical approaches for palatally displaced canines includes 3 studies involving 146 patients with the available evidence suggesting that neither surgical technique for exposing canine teeth is superior.
[read the full story...]This review of the effect of presences of third molars on mandibular fractures includes 35 observational studies. The findings suggest that the presence of third molars increases the change of mandibular angle fractures.
[read the full story...]The main aim of this systematic review is to look at implant based restorative options for restoring the atrophic posterior mandible using osseointegrated dental implants. The atrophic posterior mandible is defined here as having a residual ridge height of 8mm from the inferior dental nerve to the crest of the ridge. The two options considered [read the full story…]
This review of surgical treatments for the management of recurrent mandibular dislocation included 23 case series. Only one of the case series was prospective and a majority lacked clarity on their pro / retrospective status providing only very low quality evidence.
[read the full story...]This review of the effectiveness of chlorhexidine gel for the prevention of alveolar osteitis (AO) included 10 trials published since 2010. The findings suggest a 57% reduction in incidence of AO similar to other reviews of this topic.
[read the full story...]Mark-Steven Howe looks in detail at a recent network meta-analysis (NMA) of periodontal outcomes following third molar surgery. However the limited number of studies available for the NMA mean the reviews findings need to be interpreted with caution.
[read the full story...]Mark Steven Howe considers this review of extra-oral implant retention. 12 mainly retrospective studies were included providing limited data from which to drawn conclusions regarding the best retention system.
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