Evidence suggests that grafts are effective in preventing Freys syndrome after parotidectomy


Freys syndrome (gustatory sweating) is frequently noted as complication of surgery to the parotid gland. It is characterized by sweating while eating and facial flushing.  It was first reported by Lucie Frey in 1923.  The aim of this review was to determine the effect and safety of different types of grafts for the prevention of [read the full story…]

Significant association between several risk factors and Inferior alveolar nerve problems after third molar extraction

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The incidence reported in the literature ranges from 0.4-8.4%third molars and in some instances the damage can be permanent. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the specific risk factors for neurosensory deficits of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) after third molar extraction. The cases consisted of patients showing neurosensory deficits of the lower [read the full story…]

Perioperative corticosteroid use reduces the degree of trismus and inflammation after third molar removal


The surgical removal of third molars is a common procedure that results in varying degrees of inflammation, pain and limited mouth opening.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, steroids and opiates are often prescribed to alleviate these problems.  This review aims to assess the impact of steroids on outcomes following third molars removal. Searches of the PubMed, Scopus, Med- [read the full story…]

No difference between irrigating and non-irrigating drains in the management of severe odontogenic infection


Dental infections all too frequently result in cellulitis or abscess formation. Treatment often requires incision and draining allow with extraction of the tooth. Simple non-irrigating gravity drains have been in use for more than a century while catheter type drains which allow the possibility of daily irrigation are increasingly popular.   The aim of this trial [read the full story…]

Limited evidence supports some clinical benefit of alveolar ridge preservation procedures


Alveolar bone remodelling follows tooth extraction and traumatic extraction is associated with additional bone loss. Prior to extraction periodontal disease, periapical pathology and mechanical trauma can also lead to loss of bone. In order to maintain a good alveolar ridge a range for preservation procedures have been investigated. The aim of this review was to [read the full story…]

Study suggests there may be no difference between char-free and continuous-wave carbon dioxide lasers for oral mucosal biopsy


Animal studies have suggested that there is less thermal damage when excisional biopsies are performed using a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser in a char-free (CF) mode than in a continuous-wave (CW) mode. The aim of this study was to and compare the clinical and histopathologic characteristics of excisional biopsies performed with CW or CF CO2 [read the full story…]

Some limited evidence to support the use of chlorhexidine to prevent dry socket


Dry socket (alveolar osteitis) socket is a painful complication of  tooth extraction that occurs in about  5%  of  extractions of permanent tooth. It is more common following the extraction of wisdom teeth. That aim of this review was to assess whether chlorhexidine, when compared to placebo and/or other interventions, reduced the incidence of alveolar osteitis [read the full story…]

No differences in the surgical outcomes between open and closed exposure for palatally displaced maxillary canines


The upper permanent canine normally erupts between 11-12 years of age. However, for between 1-3% of children this does not occur and in 50% of the cases it is due to the tooth being displaced palatally. Two surgical approaches are used to allow orthodontic alignment. An open procedure  where  a palatal flap is raised ,overlying [read the full story…]

Plating fractures of the angle of the mandible via a transbuccal approach may result in lower infection rates

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The aim of this study was to investigate whether fixation of fractures of  the mandibular angle  using miniplates placed through a transbuccal approach  resulted in lower infection rates that those placed on the mandibular external oblique ridge using an intra-oral approach. What did they do Patients were randomised (by year of birth) to having their [read the full story…]

Should we use antibiotics to prevent complications from the removal of third molars?


The use of antibiotics to prevent complications from the removal of third molars is a cause of debate. The aim of this review was to assess the efficacy of antibiotics in preventing infectious complications after third molar surgery What did they do The Medline Embase, ,and Cochrane databases were searched together with the references in [read the full story…]