Patient satisfaction with combined orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery


This review of patient satisfaction with combined orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery included 8 studies and identified a number of factors associated with patients’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction. However, the quality of the available evidence was limited.

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Orthognathic surgery: intra-operative bleeding reduced with tranexamic acid


This review looked at the efficacy of haemostatic adjuncts on intra-operative blood loss in orthognathic surgery. 11 RCTs were included and found that tranexamic acid reduced blood loss by about a third whether used topically or intravenously.

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Diode laser for fibrous hyperplasia – faster but more swelling and longer healing


This small trial suggests that that while the diode laser treatment was marginally quicker than the traditional scalpel removal of fibrous hyperplasia, it required fewer analgesics and no sutures. However, there was more swelling, and wound healing was longer.

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Does panoramic radiography predict nerve injury after third molar extraction?


This review included 9 studies assessing the predictive value of panoramic radiography on inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury after third molar extraction. Results suggest that darkening of the root had a high specificity in predicting IAN injury.

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Alveolar ridge preservation: limited evidence for current techniques


This Cochrane review identified 8 RCTs of alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) techniques. They provide limited evidence that ARP minimises overall changes in residual ridge height and width six months after extraction.

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Benign parotid tumors: Superficial or total conservative parotidectomy


13 retrospective studies were included in this review comparing superficial and total conservative parotidectomy approaches for the management of benign parotid tumours. The review suggests that superficial approach is better but the quality of the evidence is low.

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Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw treatments


97 papers describing 4879 cases of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis were included in this review. A wide range of management approaches were identified but the quality of the available evidence is limited.

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Congenital bleeding disorders and dental extractions


This Cochrane review looked at the effectiveness of haemostatic regimens for patients with bleeding disorders. Two small trials involving 59 patients demonstrated the efficacy of antifibrinolytic agents acid in people with bleeding disorders having dental extractions.

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Third molars: risk of future extraction when retained estimated


This review of asymptomatic retained third molars included 7 prospective studies and found that the cumulative incidence for M3 extraction varied from 5 to 64% and was associated with the follow-up duration.

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Distraction osteogenesis: little evidence available of effectiveness in maxillary hypoplasia in cleft lip and palate patients


This review only found 1 study reported in 5 articles at high risk of bias that compared distraction osteogenesis to conventional orthognathic surgery for the treatment of maxillary hypoplasia in cleft lip and palate patients. More high quality trials are needed.

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