Root resorption: high incidence after replantation of avulsed teeth

shutterstock_70287046 - avulsed tooth

This review evaluating the incidence of root resorption (RR) after the replantation of avulsed teeth included 23 studies of low quality providing a estimate of RR that should be viewed cautiously.

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Regenerative endodontic treatment: Does apical diameter affect outcome?

By Drs. Ken Hargreaves and Obadah Austah, Dept of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Ken Hargreaves, CC BY 3.0 us,

This review of regenerative endodontic treatment included 14 small observational studies of limited quality suggesting a possible influence of apical diameter on clinical outcomes.

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Autotransplantation of permanent teeth with an open apex


21 methodologically weak studies were included in this review of autotransplantation of permanent teeth with open apex. The findings suggest good survival and success rates however the limited quality of the studies mean the findings should be interpreted with caution.

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