Doctors working in paediatrics and anaesthetics at higher risk of suicidality, according to Australian survey

While the current study identified higher risks within specific medical specialties, we do not know if there are any common underlying factors linked to job demands and interpersonal dynamics, which could have important implications for developing solutions.

Olga Lainidi summarises a secondary cross-sectional analysis of survey data from Australian consultant doctors that explored associations between different medical specialities and the occurrence of common mental disorders and suicidal ideation.

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The impact of bureaucracy on social work practice


This paper presents the methodology and findings of a systematic review of the available evidence relating to social workers experience of bureaucracy in practice. The study is international, and includes English Language papers published in peer reviewed journals between 1990 and 2020.

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Cost of living linked to depression in healthcare workers

In comparison to medical positions, healthcare workers in nursing roles were over 2 times more likely to experience financial concerns and meet the criteria for depression.

Lisa Lloyd summarises a UK-based cohort study investigating the associations between financial concerns and the development of depression in healthcare workers.

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Vicarious trauma: how does working with trauma survivors affect therapists?

Psychotherapy is a key treatment for mental health disorders, helping millions worldwide. A new meta-analysis explores its effectiveness across eight major conditions.

Sahra Tekin and Jo Billings summarise a meta-ethnographic review of qualitative studies looking at vicarious trauma in therapists working with survivors of trauma.

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Place of safety in psychiatry: mental health staff perspectives


Zuva Dengu summarises a recent mixed-methods study on mental health staff experiences of occupational wellbeing in a psychiatric place of safety service.

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Increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic: explained


Ian Hamilton reviews a recent longitudinal study from Finland, which explores the psychological stressors predicting increased drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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