Natalie Berry summarises a meta-analysis which finds a limited body of research exists to support the use of NHS e-therapies for depression, anxiety and stress.
[read the full story...]Natalie Berry summarises a meta-analysis which finds a limited body of research exists to support the use of NHS e-therapies for depression, anxiety and stress.
[read the full story...]Georgie Parker summarises a qualitative study which finds that therapy dogs may help to improve research engagement in “hard to reach” populations.
[read the full story...]Nikki Nabavi summarises findings from a recent survey, which suggests that COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is relatively evenly spread across the population, and that willingness to take a vaccine is closely bound to recognition of the collective importance.
[read the full story...]Heather McClelland summarises a recent BMJ article by Prof Neil Greenberg and colleagues, which looks to prevent moral injury and promote psychological growth in NHS staff working through the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]Our resident Elf Economist Chris Sampson summarises a recent report from Monitor (England’s health services regulator), which looks at how NHS providers can improve productivity in elective care.
[read the full story...]Health Economist Simon Leigh argues that the unregulated world of health apps brings cause for concern as well as celebration. Fear not though, he has some suggestions for what to look out for when downloading apps, which may help whilst you’re waiting for the regulators and accreditors to get their act together.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Caroline De Brún looks at a report published by the Nuffield Trust, which suggests a list of priorities for the government to act on, around improvement in the NHS.
[read the full story...]Caroline De Brun presents the results of a study looking at commissioning policies which support payment incentives to improve care and encourage innovation. This research examines the impact of the novel commissioning of NHS stop smoking services.
[read the full story...]Chris Sampson reports on a discussion paper produced by the Centre for Economic Performance, which looks at the impact of competition on management quality in hospitals.
[read the full story...]Liz Hughes asks: Is the NHS ready for peer support workers in mental health? A recent qualitative study highlights some of the challenges facing peer supporters and the NHS organisations in which they work.
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