Supporting NHS colleagues following a coworker’s suicide: a postvention theory

Implementing structured protocols, enhancing training, strengthening support, and promoting open communication are all steps that can be implemented within workplaces to better support staff wellbeing after a colleague’s suicide.

In her debut blog, Brittany Oldale collaborates with Sarah Watts to summarise a grounded theory study that sought to create a postvention theory for how to support colleagues’ following a colleague’s suicide within the NHS.

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Cost of living linked to depression in healthcare workers

In comparison to medical positions, healthcare workers in nursing roles were over 2 times more likely to experience financial concerns and meet the criteria for depression.

Lisa Lloyd summarises a UK-based cohort study investigating the associations between financial concerns and the development of depression in healthcare workers.

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Interventions to foster resilience in nursing staff may help (a little) in the short-term


Olga Lainidi summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of resilience interventions on the mental health of nursing staff.

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Abandoned and betrayed: burnout and moral injury amongst NHS staff during COVID-19

Thank you NHS

Elena Opie summarises a study exploring the UK National Health Service staff experiences of betrayal-based moral injury during COVID-19.

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Experiences of junior doctors working during the pandemic in England


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises a qualitative study investigating the experiences of junior doctors in England during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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